≋Spoiled rotten≋

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My lovers take me to the mall, and allow me to get anything I want. God they live to spoil me, illuima sapnap and punz diffently loved the fits the most. Seeing me in skirts and dresses everyone was red.

"Jesus baby so hot" sapnap said.

I giggled and came out in a white and gold godess like dress spining around they purred and tail swayed.

"Mm what we marring here luv?" Wilbur joked.

"Mm on-"

the duo  came up and grabbed  me just being touching and well went in for a kiss before grabed by techno growling.

"That deer is ours" he said coldly.

"Well actully were gonna be we'd in 2 days" nijia said "so he should be looking for a wedding dress"

My tail went down as I went back into the changing room adding this into the yes pail and chnaged into my next outfit while they argue.

"Hey everyone this boy with blue hair, brown hair is forcing our mate to marry him, though our mate wants nothing  to do with him" illumia said loudly.

the duo snickered before he was dragged out. And I contuied to chnage out fits one of my next outfits was black ruffled shorts a sliver belt and crooped heart top.

"Jesus- that's hot" punz said tail wagging.

I giggled "thank you" I'd say.

Soon I changed into my original  outfit, Karl's hoodie and a black skirt. Of coruse they payed and carried my bags for me.. we took a trip to the car to put them in before contuing our shopping  trip.

I took them  into a jewelry  store "let me guess  you wanna get matching necklaces amor?" Quackity  said.

I nodded, and they smiled doing it happily, everyone but punz got sliver. We all echothers charm of choice, blue goggles, a star, duck, two daggers, a fire, a ghost(illumia) a blood bottle, fox, and tnt. And me a happy face.

They also go me a bracelet  that said "the impossible boys propty" it was sliver and peridot, spinel accents.

After that finshed up we went shop to shop, getting alot of matching things, taking stops to the car to drop of bags my boyfriends didn't care about money they speeded today because they also got stuff for them.

"Yall really love to spoil me" I'd say softly.

"We wanted you forever and of crouse we'd be happy to spend alot of money on you" Karl said softly "we're all very wealthy  and don't know what to do with it half the time"

"So once we got an adorble boyfriend, we knew we'd spend alot on him" fundy said kissing me softly.

I giggled softly, I did fell bad for spending alot. But even if I offered to pay one of them would swape one of there cards and told em not to worry about it.

After the mass shopping spree we we ahead and order alot of food eatting it in the food court.

Sapnap was fucking around with dragons breath making me luagh.

"Pandass-" I said giggling.

"Yes baby?" He said.

We hanged out for awhile  before heading to my boyfriends house (they all share a house)

Awe cute date chapter.

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