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Illumia was frist back and then came the other two with dream who yawned and went to put a hoodie on going to his bed, and went to sleep cuddling punz.

"Whyd you three do to him" techno said.

"Fucked him over the bathtub" punz said yawning "he was adorble begging for it tho"

"He wanted  to be fucked? What about the rest of us!" I'd huff.

"What he wanted us to fuck him like hell we would miss an opportunity like that" illuima said tail wagging.

"Told you  I herd something" fundy huffed.

"What happend to one gets all" Quackity said.

"We will all get him- he was easing into it- it would be alot to take nine huge cocks in him for his frist time-" sapnap said quietly.

"He picked the ones with the biggest cocks tho" fundy grumbled.

"He didn't know" punz arugged.

Dream opened his eyes a bit "m.. I picked the two I've kissed and the one who is my favoite animal" he then went back to sleep.

"That makes sense-" Wilbur Said.

"You three are really lucky basterds!" Fundy huffed out.

Punz smiled "I'm thinking this that's a hint to soon he may give into being ours soon"

I got up with the rest of the group who didn't get the pleasure, well wilbur stayed behind.

"Uh huh. Well see you tomrrow" we said clearly  annoyed as we left.


Well those ones are pissed abt this.. honstly I'm not mad I'm happy it was some of us sure a bit jealous tho.

"Yall are really lucky- however he look getting fucked as a bunny slut?" I'd ask.

"Fantastic his hole was so tight and nice" sapnap said  rubbing Dreams legs.

"You think that was his plan all along? What he even whisper to you guys" I'd ask.

"He told us to met him in the bathroom and I don't regret going there" illuima  said.

"Mm why I have a felling the other four is gonna blow us off senice there mad we fucked our crush" punz question.

"I mean probably" I'd replay  "we deal with it in the moting at school for now I'm sure Dream won't mind if we cuddle him"

We'd nod and all got into cuddles on the bed dream moved a bit "m... warm" he said opening his eyes blushing seeing us all hold him.

"Ah so someone does like us and that wasent just a hookup" illuima said.

Dream sighed "where's the rest of em?"

"They got jealous and left. Well chat with them tomrrow"  I'd say "dear"

"M.. I was gonna say something- but I guess I'll wait til I can say it to all" Dream said softly.

"What was the dick that good your wore gonna say your ours" sapnap teased.

"Guess you find out tomrrow what it is!' Dream said cockly.

"Don't make me fuck  your cockyness our of ya" punz said slapping his ass with his dick.

Dream yelped "yall already gave me ass pains I don't need more!"

We'd hum and readjust going to bed


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