≋break up and marry, blueberries≋

622 19 6

~3 years~

It's now senior year, we've been dating dream  every day senice then, and right now he's asleep in my lap clung onto me. A blueberry is annoyed walking past.

Dream was adorble but sapnal herd the blueberry say something his eyes flickering red as he ran off.

"Sap what wrong?" I said.

"Mm.. is murder legal.. I'm at my nervers  with blueberry pancake over there" sapnap said ice cold  pointing at ninja.

"What he do this time?" Techno questioned, sapnap isn't easy to see like this.

"He payed dreams d-" sapnap started as dreams phone went off waking out cutie.

He answered it "what? Why now of all aussden?"

"No! I wo-"

Dream dropped the phone and begun to cry into me we all looked at it, fundy picked up the phone.

Listing, he grumbled and hung up "a blueberry payed dreams dad to froce him to break up with us and marry El blueberry" he announced.

"No.. I don't want nijia  I want you guys-" Dream whined and cried.

We all growledowly glaring at nijia.

"Sap to answer your question, that is perfectly legal just this once" Karl said.

"Hey dearling. It's okay wore only yours and nothing will chnage that factor" illumia said playing with Dreams hair.

"Yeah well deal with the issue lovey you won't lose us that easily" Wilbur said sweetly.

Dream looked up to Wilbur "can we go to our room we kinda started dating in?"

"Of crouse amor" Quackity said.

We headeding to the old library and put him in his pillows.. of crouse Wilbur sang the song for him and once dream was calm and asleep we got to planing.

"Should we try to buy him  off of his dad or just kill ninja, george  and prove ourselves to be suitable matches" I questioned.

"Mm we go try to prove ourselves to his dad as better then nijia and if not work take the other option' techn sudjusted.

"Yeah let's try the safer option worst case we go the murder route" fundy said softly.

The trio is still the only one to mate dream, so there snare and aren't very rational they want to make there mate stay as theres.

"Mmm.. my dad won't give up he favors nijina  due to family friends" Dream muttered.

We all growled "oh.. we can play this game, shopping spree after school?" Sapnap questioned.

Oh god I know where he's going..

Dream perked up "oo date?"

We'd smile seeing he wasent crying.

"Of crouse babydeer a date we can have" we'd say.

Dream smiled and crawled into the middle pulling us all into group cuddles, everyone purring.. we will do anything to make our sweet dear happy.

"Love you guys" Dream said softly.

"Love you to, deerling" we'd say softly.

Dream smiled  nuzzling into punzs neck, but it soon ended when the blueberry  came in demanding his fenice.

"I'm staying here with my mates' Dream said.

"we can replace them~ be so much better then 8" he said.

"I seen how big you are must say not imprivessive" Dream said snarkly.

We'd all snicker.

"Leave" illumia growled, and nijia  ran.


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