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I simply make myself comfortable in punzs hold purring softly, honstly I fell I may give in soon.

"So what you say to being ours?" Sapnap questioned.

"M.. prove it" I said.

They'd chuckle "what do we need to hook up in a bathroom to prove it?" Illiuma said.

My tail wiggled to that idea sligently "pretty sure my back would be dead" I'd say cocky

"Aye we'd carry and baby you after" Quackity flirted.

Honstly I wouldn't mind taking them they seem to be huge, if dick size is as big as there egos.

"M. If you dicks are as big as your egos my whole body would be paralzed" I joked.

Punz looked down "well then we would have a cute softie to care for" he'd say proudly.

"But in all honesty make up your mind want us don't want us playing difficult is gonna push u-" karl started.

"Aye karl cool it" Wilbur said "he probably is testing us due to us being poplar and how poplar has a certain rep".

"We have a winner" I say.

"Actully understandable" techno said quietly.

"Mm soo your impression of us so far?" Karl questioned.

"Diffently gay, simps and protective" I'd say cocky.

"I'd give you an a plus of disruption" fundy said with a sly chuckle "but we ment as possibly calling us yours"

"Mm probably would treat me like a spoiled baby, and do anything I want, chnace of landing me at the moment is 50%" I said cocky.

"The other 50%?" Sapnap questioned with a ear flick.

"10% rejection 40% un descided" I'd replay.

"That's low rejection I'm thinking a high chnace we will be ur alphas huh" illumia said with a soft excited wolf noise, tail wagging.

Hosntly he is right my answer is yes. But we need to make sure they don't want me just to ride there cocks that are probably like haven just to leave me and act like a one-night stand.

Punz looked to you "you better not led us on mister" he said.

Illumia never acts like that and I know they are protective of echother.

"Thats another reason why I haven't gave a diffently answer of being yours" I'd shoot back.

"You think we would lead you on?! Where would you get that idea from" fundy growled a bit.

"Whining. Simps" I'd say.

"Fuckin drama queens, they need to fuck off already" sapnap groned huffed.

"Mm just like a smashed blueberry with an Banna peal, annoying colormissobesver" I'd say cocky.

They'd lugah "great nickname for him baby" sapnap added "but seriously he needs to take the damn hint"

Like you idoits need to take mine, I like you but don't wanna admit it.

"Agreeable" I said nuzzling punzs neck who took my head out.

"Nah aha ah off limits til you make up your mind" punz said.

I'd huff "I was hiding from a certain duo" I said hiding in his neck again when nijia, george walked up.. he made a fuss about this.

"Hes our baby doll dipshit" fundy said snaping his other wrist and back to the hospital wign with nijia. george followed ninja

Punz looked over and kissed me as he was dragged away.

Damn punz.

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