≋Better then us≋

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We are at our house and we all got prepared to try the good way, moraly right to keep out mate as ours.. Dreams in the bathroom getting dressed, he came out and oh damn.

He looked like a little princess, he has black lace shorts and black mashed cloke, black ripped stokings with fish nets, a fishnet top with a baggy croped Smokey gray hoodie, and the new jewelry we got him, and cute black boots with charms.

We all wore dressed similar to him with the jewelry we brought.

"Damn you look good baby" sapnap said softly.

"Thank you panda" dream said softly as we picked up the bags and took them back to the car.. we head to dream house, met by ninja and his dad.

"Dressed so nicely for your fenice dream" his dad said.

"Actully no I'm dressed like this for my mates" Dream said softly, walking back into illumias arms.

"Come on cupcake we can be better then them" blueberry said.

Dream shook his head.

"Dream can do better then miti-billnars? And most of us are gods" Wilbur said "bullshit"

His dad blinked "what? He's mated to rich pepole"

We all introduced ourselves to him.

"Techno blade" I said.

His dad was shocked but then blinked before speaking up "sorry but dream your marring ninja we need the bessnius to murdge"

"Alright well buy them out" punz said cockly "Dream is ours and that ain't chnageing"

His dad aurgged but that and I just become the blood God, sapnap arson got and punz the god of war.

"I can't let you do that, it's not morly right" I'd say deeply.

His dad froze, george hissed "just give me our  fenice it's not that hard! We have mates to be chnaged senic every let three of you mate him stupidly"

I made the blood rise in his body making him fall and cough it out "try again, your the idoit"

From there it was a fight, they wore out numbered and dream was with a karl packing.. after this he's moveing with us, that way his father has no power over him.

"You are insane for attacking us for littarly making a deal that has nothing to do with you, your insecure bc my son isn't aloud to be yours" his dad growled.

"Well to bad he is" illuima, quackity growls.

"Me sap and illumia mated him fair and share he's our mate" punz growled.

We're makeing look munlated and beating them to shit "hes not yours he's mine! Has been senice he was 6' ninja growled as findy starched his cheek into a Deep mark.

"Um markings says otherwise" fundy growled. Soon they wore passed out bloody.

Dream came out and hid into wilbur as we clean up our mess, and he soon claimed.

"Yall are really protective" dream teased.

"Of crouse our love" we'd say.

He'd came and tackled me "carry!' He said.

"Not expecting this reaction from you but I like it better then others" Karl said hitting george.

We'd smile and gladly take him off, and he moved into our house with our love.


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