Great Expotations

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I sighed as I tied the string of the banner onto the poll. "Hey, Azalie! Hey, you wanna see my new invention? Rumor has it it is a shoo-in for the first prize in the contest. I started the rumor." Varian said. I nearly fell off the ladder, but Varian grabbed it and steadied it "Hey Varian, first off its Aza not Azalie, Secondly, I'm slammed, so..." I sighed. He said "Oh, yeah, I... I hear ya. Hey, so did I tell you that my invention can create an entirely new element? I call it..." he was cut off as Rapunzel came running "Aza! I'm gonna go to the Royal Kitchen! Are you coming?!" I gasped as I got down the ladder. When I got towards the bottom, Varian grabbed my hand and helped me down. I smiled at him and ran off with Rapunzel. We got into the kitchen and I ate one of the cupcakes. Raps giggled and Cass burst in "Aza, my dad needs more guards, you and I are gonna help, but he said you have to finish your Lady-in-waiting duties first." I sighed then nodded. 

I started filling up the vases with flowers and I saw Varian. "There you are, Aza-not-Azalie. We, uh, we didn't finish our conversation earlier." he said. I sighed and placed the flowers in the vase.

"Seriously, I'm getting ready for the expo, and I think you'll be pretty impressed with my invention, yeah. The only thing is, when I present it to Master Dr. St. Croix, it's gonna take two people to operate it. Hey! Wanna be the assistant for my demonstration?" he asked. I winced and said "Assistant? What? Assis... N... No. Look." I sighed 

"No! I can't catch a break today." I groaned as he spilled a glass on one of the table cloths. "Varian, thanks for stopping by, but I wha...?" I gasped as when I went over to clean it off, it was gone. "The stain. It's gone! But how?" I said, looking at him. He smiled "Oh, simple. Grapes are acidic. By combining the alkalinity from the flowers' barley grass with rock salt, I was able to stop the stain's adhesion. Alchemy!" he said proudly. I thought for a moment

"So, you've got a knack for this kind of thing! Any chance you'd want to..."

"Help you? Yes! I-I mean I'd-I'd love to. Hey! If... If I help you, you can help me and be my assistant! It'll only take a minute!"

Varian said excitedly. "" I said. "Great! We... We can be, uh, co-ladies-in-waiting." Varian said. I cringed "Yeah...let's not put a label on it" I sighed. A few hours later I said "Huh, look at that. You make a pretty good co-lady-in-waiting after all." I smiled. Varian smirked "Oh, really? You sure you wanna put a label on it?" I laughed so vigorously I almost fell over. Varian smiled brightly. I sighed and looked at the time "It's already noon and I still have to make up all the guest rooms." I groaned. Varian smiled and said "Hey! I... I have an idea.I'll finish your chores for you, so then you can do your guard duty, and then maybe you can take a few minutes to be my assistant?" I smiled at him and nodded. "Are you sure you can get all this done?" I asked. He nodded "yeah, yeah I got this, it's what friends do!" he said, smiling. An hour later, I decided to go up and check on Varian. "Wiped out?" I said, smirking. He flinched then sighed "Who? Me? No. Just fainted. Uh, I mean, fin... I finished. Finished." I smiled "Finished? Wow, Varian I'm impressed" I said. "Oh, it was no big deal. Now, um, if you'll excuse me, I have a contest to win. Assistant?" I sighed "Remember you said it would only take a minute I'm on duty!" I yelled after him. I heard yelling and I ran out "Azalea, are you up for this? Becoming St. Croix's personal?" Captain asked "Uh, Azalea, don't you have somewhere to be during the judging?" Raps asked, "I'll do it." I said.

I stood next to St. Croix as he started his speech "One of you will walk away with the greatest prize in all of science:my approval. As for the rest of you,may the universe show mercy......on your wretched souls. Good luck." I cringed and rolled my eyes. "You ready? Because a certain alchemist could use his assistant." Varian said, smiling brightly at me. I smiled back but sighed. "Listen, Varian, I'm really sorry, but things have changed. I can't help you anymore. I'm St. Croix's personal..." I was cut off as St. Croix said "Hello? Security detail? I have moved my person in this direction." I groaned in annoyance "this guy is getting on my nerves" I growled under my breath. Varian's face fell. "A personal security detail. Must be a big deal. Don't worry about me. I am sure I can find another assistant in the next five minutes." He said. "Wait! Varian!" but it was no use, Varian was already gone. I growled at myself. 'Nice going Azalea' Chaos laughed in my head, clapping. I could hear all my sisters growling and snarling at her. I snickered and stood neck to St. Croix. "Let the Judgment begin!" He announced. A few inventions passed, including Rapunzel's. At last it was Varian's turn. I sighed. He started speaking, "I give you the Elemental Remogrifier! Assistant? Here we go. The rotation causes friction, which heats the sand, while the counter-centrifugal force promotes particle compression. The end result? Fifty pounds of sand turns into...this. I call this new element......Azalium." I raised my head at the element's name. 'He named it' I thought, surprised. 'Ooooh he does like you!' Kelpie said. I growled inside my head and tried to push them away. Then, Shorty, Varian's assistant, fell over, and did something that caused a dagger to go flying. I caught it, right before it hit St. Croix.

"Despite its lack of flair and panache, I was almost inclined to give your device a mediocre assessment."

"Flair? What does that have to do with-"

Varian started but St. Croix silenced him "However, considering your assistant nearly lanced my nasal cavity, I've no choice but to disqualify you. Next!" Varian opened his mouth to reply but just gloomily walked off the stage. I clenched my fist and my jaw. "With all due respect sir, you can't disqualify him for his assistant" I said stiffly to St. Croix. "You stick to guarding,I will stick to sciencing. Got it? Hmm?" I growled softly in annoyance as the next competitor came up. I looked at Varian, and wanted to punch myself. I had chosen an arrogant science nerd over my best friend. Who was also a science nerd but, that's not the point. "Now this is science!" St. Croix said, plopping a chocolate in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and growled at myself. What really ticked me off though, is when she told Varian to shut up. I was ready to go after her but April took control and I grumbled. I hissed at Chaos as she started laughing, her wings flaring. I hit her then sighed. April let me take control again, and I sighed. I sat down next to Varian and put my hand on him. "You should've won," I said. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder and turned away from me. I gasped softly "It doesn't matter now" He hissed. "The truth is, all I really wanted to do was impress you. I thought if I showed you what I was capable of, you might see something in me. Something special. I was just being dumb." I grabbed his hand instinctively and said "But you did impress me. Varian, you're a great kid. You're smart. You're compassionate. You're unique." he smiled at me, and I felt him twine his fingers in mine. My face got hot but I didn't care. I saw St. Croix toying with Varian's invention. "Huh, looks like St. Croix liked your invention after all." Varian panicked and got up, dragging me along with him. "Master St. Croix! No! No! Don't! You're... You're building too much pressure!" he yelled. "Back off, boy! I'm a scientist." St. Croix growled. "Don't!" His invention shot in the air, and I could choose Varian or St. Croix.

Of course I chose Varian. "You chose me," Varian said breathlessly. "Yeah, well, you're less annoying then he is, plus you're my best friend" I smiled at him. He smiled back and twined his fingers in mine again. I sighed and his invention started lifting in the air, creating a vortex. "Ohhhhh, this is bad," Varian said. "How bad?" I asked. "Introducing counter-centrifugation magnetism could result in... well, that!" He said as a vortex started building "Its angular momentum is rapidly approaching critical velocity. Once that happens, it'll suck up everything in sight. Us! The castle! Everything!" Varian yelled over the roaring wind "Oh, okay so really bad, I'm guessing we have to pull that lever, to stop it?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed his ankle and raised him up. "I-I can't reach it! I need to be higher up!" Varian yelled at me. I sighed, knowing the only way. I transformed into April's Dragon Form and beat my large wings, still holding onto Varian "Is that good?" I asked him, in the best English I could manage as a dragon. He stared at me in disbelief before shaking his head, grabbing the lever, and pulling it. He dropped and I caught him. I lowered us to the ground and I turned back into a human. 'You just had to use me,' April growled. I hissed at her in my head and I smiled at Varian. "How did you do that?!" he asked. I shrugged "Magic I guess" I said. He sighed then hugged me "I'm just glad you're okay, that's the only thing I wanted" he said. I smiled at him. He turned back then started cleaning up the mess. I turned to the Captain. I sighed then turned in my helmet "I can't do this anymore, plus, I have a friend who needs me" I said, glancing at Varian. He nodded and smiled at me. I ran over to Varian. He handed me a necklace, made of the Azalium jewels Varian created. I smiled and took it, putting it on. "I love it, it's beautiful" I said, looking at Varian. He shrugged, "it's nothing." he said, then blushed and rubbed the back of his head. I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you" I said, before running off. I hid around the corner and dug my face in my hands. "What did I just do?" I said. 'You just kissed your best friend, and crush, on the cheek' Sapphire said. I sighed, trying to hide my blush, as I headed back to the castle. 

Varian X OC!AzaleaWhere stories live. Discover now