The Lost Treasure Of Herz De Sonne

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I smiled as Rapunzel said, "Okay everyone. After the Saporian attack, this kingdom could use a real pick-me-up. And what better way to bring everyone together than with a community project?" Everyone cheered. I leaned into Varian. "With a little hard work, and a whole lot of Corona spirit, we can rebuild this kingdom. So, let's do it!" She continued and handed shovels to everyone. "I know this is typically your thing, Sunshine, but if you're trying to bring everyone together, maybe grueling manual labor isn't the best idea?" Eugene said. Rapunzel chopped a stump in half. "Don't think of it as grueling manual labor. Think of it as creativity through destruction." She said. "Oh, now look what you made me do!" Feldspar said as a loud rumble came. I turned and saw a good chunk of the wall fell away to reveal plain stone. "That was your fault, you loafer!" Old Lady Crowley said. " Loafer?! I've never been so insulted!" Feldspar said. " Feldspar! Old Lady, uh, Mrs. Crowley, let's not fight! Yes, we were supposed to keep that wall, but, hey! This just gives us more to do together." Rapunzel said, running over to them. They groaned. "This is why Crowley works alone," Crowley said. She walked away. "I'll go get glue" Feldspar said, leaving as well. More of the wall fell away and revealed a map. "'Here lies King Herz Der Sonne's lost treasure'? You guys, wait! This is an honest to goodness treasure map!" Rapunzel said happily. "I have heard 'The Legend of Herz Der Sonne's' Lost Treasure. It is said to be buried in his crypt. The tale begins millenia ago–" Xavier began but Eugene cut him off. "Uh, Xaves, bottom line us, would you?" He said. "She's right. It's a map." Xavier said. "This is just the thing to bring everyone together!" Rapunzel said.

"How many of you have ever dreamed of having a treasure of untold riches?" Rapunzel asked, standing in front of a covered machine. "We are holding a Corona-wide race for the lost treasure of Herz Der Sonne!" She announced. Everyone cheered. "But, wait! It gets better. Because this is about having fun together, everyone will be racing with a partner!" She said, and everyone but me and Varian groaned. "Who picks our partners?" Vladimir asked. "Ah, ah! Not who...What." Rapunzel said, taking the tarp of the machine. "Couldn't we have just pulled names out of a hat?" Eugene asks. "Oh, but it is a hat! I call it the 'Horotory Automated Team-builder.' Or HAT. And our first team is... Stan and..." Rapunzel said, as she started the machine and the first pair came. "Pete! Stan and Pete!" Pete said. "Angry!" Rapunzel said, tossing the balls. "What? This is an outrage! It's Stan and Pete. Everyone knows it's always Stan and Pete!" Pete said. "Yeah! And I don't wanna be paired up with some dopey guard." Angry said. "You're not paired up with some dopey guard. You're paired up with-- Oh..." Stan says. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Pascal and... Max! Aw, cute!" Rapunzel said. "Xavier... and Varian!" I pout and Varian laughed as he kissed my forehead. "Ruddiger... and Hamuel!" Rapunzel continued "Eugene... and, of course, Lance." "Are you kidding me? Me and Lance together, searching for teasure? Just give it to us right now, folks." Eugene said. "Me... and Feldspar!" Rapunzel said. "Azalea, since you're left over, you can join Xavier and Varian." She said I smiled and nodded. "Okay, everyone! Take a good look at the map. Be sure to memorize it because you cannot take it with you. It's up to you and your partner, or, heh, should I say, your new bestie, to find your way to the treasure." Rapunzel said.

"On your mark, get set... Treasure!" Rapunzel said, firing a cannon.

"Hmm, a northerly wind is coming. If only there were a way to catch its mighty draft, and use it to our advantage." Xavier said as Varian packed his bag. "Wait! The Saporians use hot air balloons. Uh, I know how to build one!" Varian said. "That reminds me of a 'Legend of a Mighty Balloon' In days of yore, an intrepid traveler ventured into the sky..." Varian groaned and pushed Xavier forward.

Varian leaned over the edge of the hot air balloon, collecting some cloud particles. " Ha! This is so great! I feel like a birrrrddddd!" He said. I laughed so vigorously I fell over. He closed the test tube with a cork and put it in his bag. "Indeed. Have you heard of 'The legend of the Lone Birdman of Swandalay'?" He asked Varian. "No... Uh, well, no, but, um–" He started but Xavier cut him off as he started talking about the legend. Varian flopped over the edge, bored. I smiled and went over to him. He kissed me. "Hey, look! Someone needs help!" Varian yelled, as he pointed to what looked like Stan, holding onto a boulder in the river. "Hold on! We're almost there! Huh?" Varian said, confused as he picked up the helmet to see no one there. Varian turned around to see Angry and Stan stealing our hot air balloon "Hey!" Varian yelled. "What are you doing?" Xavier asked them. "Looks like we're winning!" Stan said. Varian jumped into the shallow part of the river. "You're playing dirty!" He yelled. "There's nothing in the rules that says we can't be smarter than you!" Angry yelled at us. "She reminds me of The Legend of Perpetua Demosthenese, the young girl who thought she was smarter than all of those around her." Xavier said, chuckling. Varian groaned and put the helmet on his head and sat down on the bank of the river. We take their boat and start paddling down the river. "--And so goes 'The legend of the Wise Man's Dummy'" Xavier said as he finished a legend. I sighed in annoyance. Rapunzel and Feldspar ran past us, incredibly fast. "Where'd they come from? How are they moving so fast?" Varian said. His eyes widened "Hey! She has a map! Hey! You're Cheating!-" He leaned over the side of the boat and it tipped so he fell out. I laughed. He jumped back into the boat, panting. "Using a map is cheating indeed. Which reminds me of The Legend of the Cheating Willows–" Xavier began. "ENOUGH WITH THE LEGENDS!" Varian and I snapped at him. Varian used his hand to row the boat since he dropped the paddle. I leaned against the side of the boat and sighed. When we got to the crypt, we walked in "Hey cheaters! For shame!" Everyone yelled at Rapunzel and Feldspar. "You're cheaters!" Angry said. "Yeah that's right! I–but you're one to talk, you stole our balloon!" Varian said, frustrated. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around me and sighed. "That was well within the rules!" Stan said. I smiled. Everyone started arguing and Rapunzel said the treasure was cursed. Catalina grabbed the treasure and everyone clambered to get it. I rolled my eyes and picked up a glass shard. I smiled as I sanded the sharp edges down. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and I slipped it into my bag. I watched as Eugene and Lance opened the treasure and released skeleton monsters. I blinked and shrugged. I watched, but didn't participate. Varian very nearly got crushed by one but Xavier distracted it. I sighed in relief as the treasure was put back in its spot and the monsters went back into their chambers. I sighed and Varian went up to me and hugged me. I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me again and I smiled. "Good job, Xavier," Varian told him. "Yes, you too Varian," Xavier said. "You know what, hey Xaves? I-I just realized something. You, uh, you never finished The Legend of the Cheating Willows." Varian said. "Really? Well, It's a rather long story" Xavier said. "I got time," Varian answered. "Well, The Cheating Willows is a story that begins over..." Xavier started. I could tell Varian was listening but I wasn't. I kissed him and he wrapped an arm around my waist and we kept walking.

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