Secret Of The SunDrop

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I sat down on the floor, sketching. "What are you going to do next?" I asked Varian. "I'm going to send you out, as a distraction, but first I sent a little present to the princess, to trick the king" He said, sitting down next to me. "What's the present?" I asked. He kissed my cheek "An automaton" he said. I smirked. "Good choice," I said. "What's your most scary dragon form?" he asked me. I thought for a moment. "Dangerous, or scary?" I asked. "Both would be good, but for now, I'm just asking for something scary," He said. "Probably Chaos, she can blend into the night, and her roar is more like a screech" I said. He nodded "Use that form when we go to distract them, from my real target" He said. "And who is that?" I asked. "Queen Arianna," He said.

I walked in Chao's Dragon Form to the castle. It was night time, so I was nearly invisible. Varian sighed. "Please don't get hurt" He told me. I smiled at him "I won't I pro-" I stopped myself and sighed. "What?" Varian asked, confused. I shrugged and he filled the area with fog. "Hello Corona, something dark is coming for you. Our king has refused to acknowledge it. In the hopes of keeping his secret, he has lied to you and vilified me. In a matter of days, Corona, this island and the castle itself will be overcome by this growth. It has already taken over the outskirts of the kingdom. The key to stopping this destruction is Princess Rapuznel herself. I have asked for help and I have been ignored. I will not be ignored any longer! And to make sure I have your attention, I have someone here, someone special for you all" He announced loudly to Corona. "And very special and dear to me" He mumbled. I stepped into the fog and growled, circling everyone. "Uh, guys? there's something in the fog!" Rapunzel yelled to everyone. I growled again. I screeched and dashed past Rapunzel. I grabbed a guard and pulled him into the fog. I dashed around the king and some guards. I took out another guard. "What is that?" HookFoot stuttered. I took out another group of guards. "Well, whatever it is, it's fast." Eugen said, as I crept behind him. I lifted my talon, ready to grab Eugene. "Watch out!" Rapunzel yelled at him. She dragged him out of the way with her hair just before I could grab him. I snarled. I grabbed the captain of the guards. I threw him. I screeched as I revealed myself from the smoke. "Oh I liked it so much better when it was invisible" Lance said. "It's like it's playing hide and seek," Eugen said. "Then she just picked the wrong game," Rapunzel said. I sighed and crouched in the fog. I ran after Max and tried to grab him but he swerved away from me. I snarled. Stan and Pete grabbed fire torches and waved them at me. I screeched and turned before they could burn me. Lance and HookFoot also grabbed fire torches and waved them. I ran towards the exit. They pulled a trampoline in front of me. I screeched and tried to stop but I ran into it, bouncing backwards. They tied me to the ground with Rapunzel's hair. I snarled and screeched. "What is-" Lance said, walking up to my face. I snarled at him and he jumped backwards. "Why would Varian send someone like this?" She asked. I opened my neon blue eyes at her. I transformed into a human and slipped out of Rapunzel's hair and ran before they could grab me. I caught up with Varian and sighed. He smiled and hugged me.

Varian chained Queen Arianna to the floor. He wrapped his arm around me as Arianna woke up. "Varian?!" She said, he sighed. "Don't worry, your majesty, your only bait to lure the princess here. Only the magic of her unbreakable hair can shatter the amber and free my father. I tried asking for help in a civil manner but was denied by everyone in Corona, So unfortunately, this is my only remaining recourse" Varian said, pulling the tarp off the amber. I saw Varian starting to cry and I hugged him. "Oh! And After you've freed your father?" The queen asked. "After? Oh, well, I'm afraid Corona will pay for turning their backs on us" Varian growled, grabbing my hand. "And that's when you should start worrying,Your majesty," Arianna gasps. I leaned into Varian and he kissed my forehead as he walked over to his desk. I crouched down to look at Arianna. "If this all goes right, you won't be hurt, so don't try anything" I growled. I walked up to Varian. "There are a series of underground tunnels under my lab. Rapunzel will use them to try and sneak up on us."

Varian X OC!AzaleaWhere stories live. Discover now