Rapunzel's Return

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I sat down, sighing. Varian kissed my cheek and he sighed. "I hope the Saporians keep their agreement and nobody gets hurt" Varian looked down, pulling his legs closer to him. I nod and sigh. "I don't want you to get hurt," He said. I heard talking in the throne room. I looked and saw Rapunzel and her friends. "They're here" I growled. "Rapunzel?!" Varian said. He smirked. He threw a goop ball at Eugene's feet. "What the goop?" He said. "Oh, we didn't do this alone, You might recognize my former cellmates" Andrew said. We walked out. Varian lifted up his goggles and smiled at Rapunzel. "Welcome home, Rapunzel," He said. " I see you've already met our new friends." Varian added, I smirked. "Ah, Varian, my most trusted adviser." Fredric said. "Varian? Mom! Dad! Uh, don't you remember what he's done?" Rapunzel said. Varian laughed "No, no. They don't." He said. "They don't remember?" Rapunzel asked. Clementine twirled her wand. "That's a Saporian Wand of Oblivium! You have erased their memories!" Rapunzel said. "Oh, me? No, not really. Actually, as you know, I'm all about the science," He said, making a finger gun and putting it up to his chin. I blushed and struggled not to laugh. "But, uh, Clementine here, she added a bit of, uh, texture." He continued. "Magic," She said. "Yes, today, the king and queen, tomorrow, Corona," Varian said. "I'm synthesizing the wand's power into a gas that will erase the memories of everyone in Corona. And I named it Quirineon, so no one will ever forget they turned their back on my father." Varian growled. "But once the people are affected by this gas, they will forget that they turned their back on your father." Eugene said. "Yep, that's some flawed logic right there." Lance said. "No! Y– So? You know what I mean!" Varian yelled. That pushed me off the line and I started laughing. "Aza?" Rapunzel said. I narrowed my eyes and I clung onto Varian. "Oh! So you didn't realize my girlfriend was also here?" Varian laughed. "Girlfriend? You guys started dating?" Rapunzel said. I nodded and laid my head on Varian's shoulder. "I can't let you get away with this. Hey, guys– let's send these Saporians back where they came from." Rapunzel said. "I thought you might say that. Saporians!" Andrew said and Varian threw a smoke ball at them. "They got the alchemy!" Lance said. Everyone began fighting and Rapunzel and Varian fought. I stood next to him, ready to protect him. "Oh, I've got more tricks up my sleeves." Varian said. "Bring it!" Rapunzel yelled. She threw her hair at him and Varian threw a goop ball at her and trapped her hair. Pascal hit Varian with his tongue and he yelped "Ack! Pascal, get off me!" He said. Pascal grabbed a releasing ball from Varian. "Hey, get back here with that!" Varian yelled. He threw a ball that turned the floor under Pascal to ice. He slipped and let go of the ball. Suddenly, Max fell and Varian yelped and rolled away from him. He sighed then Max started chasing him. Varian threw a stun ball at Max and we joined the Saporians as they cornered the group. "Varian! Tell them to stand down!" Rapunzel said. "Never!" Varian yelled but Andrew silenced him. "Why would we when we have the upper hand?" Andrew said then threw a bomb Varian made. The wall crumbled and Andrew elbowed Varian. "Powerful stuff kid, this is going to be fun" He said then walked away. Varian looked down. I put my hand on his shoulder and he kissed my cheek.

"If my calculations are correct, when the Quirineon is heated, it will convert to a gaseous state and be easily dispersed

throughout the entire city, wiping the memories of everyone in Corona." Varian said to Clementine and Andrew. The Quirineon exploded and sent Varian flying into the wall. "Evidently my calculations were not correct" He grunted as he fell. I laughed. " If it won't erase people's memories, the boy's chemical may have other uses." Clementine said. I tilted my head.

Rapunzel glared at us from inside the cell. "Varian. How could you do this?" She growled. "I want you to know, I wish it didn't come to this. But when someone trusts you and you betray them, well, this is what happens." He said, tapping a bar. I smirked. "My kingdom needed me. I couldn't do anything about the amber, and I had to stay. I never meant to break my promise to you, Varian. We were friends." She said, "That's the beauty of my plan. In the end, when your memory has been erased, we can be friends again." Varian said, brushing his hand along the bars. "But you're only making it worse. None of these people did anything to you." Rapunzel said. "It's not what they did to me. It's what I did to them. And there-- there is no way that they will ever forgive me." Varian said. I grabbed his hand. "How do you know if you don't give them the chance?" Rapunzel asked. "I took their queen prisoner, I threatened their princess, I helped these guys take over their kingdom. You think anyone's gonna give me a second chance? I don't think so. No, making them forget is the only way to fix what I've done." Varian said. "Yeah, there's been a slight change of plans, buddy. Now that she's back we don't have time for you to get your memory formula right. We are still using the formula you've curated." Andrew said "Quirineon explodes! It will turn Corona to ashes." Clementine said. "But, no. No! We agreed nobody would be harmed!" Varian said. "Relax, Varian. You don't want to end up on the wrong side of history. You understand, buddy." Andrew said. "You're right. So I'm gonna have to ask you to step inside that cell." Varian growled at them. I smiled "Are you betraying us, boy?" Clementine said. "I'm getting on the right side of history" Varian hissed. "Take him out!" Clementine yelled. Varian threw a blue ball at them but instead of trapping them in bubbles, bubbles coated them. "Oh, sorry guys, that was, yeah, that was a bath bomb" Varian said nervously. They threw me and Varian into the cell and we sat on the opposite bed from Rapunzel. Varian hid his head inside his coat and I leaned into him. "All I ever wanted was for my father to be proud. Of course, if he were free from the amber now and saw everything I've done, well, he'd be ashamed." Varian said. "You know...standing up to Andrew just now was pretty brave." Rapunzel said then she sighed " Look... I know how much it hurts to have someone you trust let you down. I mean, after you go through something like that, how can you ever trust anyone again?" She added. "I don't know, That-- that's why I thought maybe if I can make you forget everything that happened, you know, we could be friends again. Learn to trust again. But I guess life doesn't really work that way." Varian sighed. "Okay, this is very sweet, but, honestly, I'm offended. I can't believe you were going to break into something, and you didn't even ask me. It's kind of my thing." Eugene said, unlocking the cell. "Oh thank goodness you're here!" Rapunzel said. "And where do you think you're going?" Lance said as Varian and I were going to follow Rapunzel. He rubbed Varian's drawn-on goatee off. "Aw," Varian said. I laughed. "Guys we're going to have to trust them," Rapunzel said, smiling at us. "After everything Wyvern and Hair-stripe here have done? You're going to trust them?" Eugene said. Varian looked at me "Wyvern?" He asked. I shrugged, "That's my last name," I said. He shrugged."Yes. Varian's the one that made the formula that the Saporians are about to drop on Corona. We need him. And Aza is a great fighter," She said and she grabbed our hands and dragged us away.

"There's enough Quirineon on that ship to destroy Corona ten times over." Varian said worriedly as we hid behind boxes. "Is there anything you can do?" Rapunzel asked. "If you can get me on that ship, I think I can neutralize it." Varian said. "Eugene, I need you guys to free my parents," Rapunzel said to him. "You heard her boys! Let's go!" he said. Rapunzel Grabbed us and we clung onto her hair as the ship lifted off. They threw a barrel over and we caught it. Rapunzel lifted us back up. "Drop something?" Rapunzel asked. I smirked. "You!" Andrew growled. "Varian, get your alchemy belt and neutralize the Coroneo–" Rapunzel started. "Uh, Quirineon, Rapunzel. Say it with me, 'Quirin'--" Varian was cut off as he got attacked. Andrew went up to Rapunzel with his sword and said, "This is the last time you-" He was cut off as Varian threw one for his acid balls and it melted Andrew's sword. "Not bad for an alchemist eh?" He laughed and started bouncing a ball like a basketball. It hit him in the chin and he dropped two balls, one hit Pascal and the other hit Rapunzel's foot. "Oh, that was on me," He said. "Get-- Eee!" he yelped as Clementine threatened him with a sword. "Stand down, alchemist," She said. "I'll take care of him," Andrew said, lifting Varian up by the collar of his jacket and hanging him over the end of the ship. Varian yelped in fear. "No!" I yelled. "Traitors to Saporia pay with their lives" Andrew said. Pascal bumped into Andrew's leg and he tripped, and Varian fell back on the boat. I sighed and ran up to him. Varian released Pascal and Rapunzel from the bubbles. "Oh, we're not done yet. Time for Corona to go boom!" Andrew said, cutting two of the balloons from the ship. I yelled as Varian, me, and Rapunzel hung on. "That single burner cannot generate enough heat to keep this ship in the air. If it crashes, it will destroy all of Corona." Varian said. "What if we use the Quirineon?" Rapunzel asked. "Yes!Yes! Heating the Quirineon will increase the temperature enough for the balloons to rise. We just have to get it high enough so that when it explodes.....it doesn't destroy the city. You need to get off the ship. Rapunzel, I've gotta clean up my own mess." Varian sighed. "No! Varian!" I said, clinging onto him. He kissed me. "I have to," he said. I started sobbing. "No! You do not have a shield of magic hair that will protect you when this thing explodes." Rapunzel said. She wrapped us up with her hair. "What are you doing?!" Varian said. "It's your mess, but it's my kingdom" She said, then threw us onto a roof. "NO! RAPUNZEL!" Varian yelled. I hugged him. "Don't you dare try to sacrifice yourself ever again" I told him. He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry," He said. We watched as she lifted the balloon up and then it exploded, and Rapunzel fell safely to the ground. I sighed as Varian and I ran up to where she landed.

"Once I start this incantation, I won't be able to stop it", and it could seriously harm you, and your father, so I'm trusting you to snap me out of it once your father is free" Rapunzel told Varian, handing him a bucket of water. "You can trust me, Rapunzel" Varian told her. "Wither and decay, end this destiny, break these early chains, and set the spirit free" Rapunzel started, and her hair turned black. Varian gasped as he saw the amber melting. "It's working!" Varian said. "Wither and decay" Rapunzel sang. "It's working!" Varian yelled. "End this destiny" Rapunzel continued. "Ha! Dad!" Varian yelled. He started running up to his dad but stopped himself and ran up to Rapunzel. "Break these earthly chains" Rapunzel sang as Varian splashed the water over her. "Wake up!" Varian told her. "And set the spirit free" Rapunzel sang as Varian put his hands on Rapunzel's shoulders but his gloves melted off. "The spirit free" Rapunzel finished. "Rapunzel snap out of it! Rapunzel?" Varian said. "You didn't give up on me, I'm not giving up on you!" Varian told her. Rapunzel gasped as her hair turned back to gold. She fell to the ground. Varian crouched down in front of her. "Are you okay?" He asked. Rapunzel nodded and Varian smiled "Dad! DAD!" Varian yelled and ran up to Quirin, hugging him. He sobbed into his shoulder. "Dad the note! W-what did it say? I need to know!" Varian said as the note disintegrated. "All it said was, 'I'm proud of you Varian, I always have been'" Quirin said. Varian hugged his dad. "I love you Dad," Varian said. "I love you too, Son," Quirin said. Varian looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Dad, this is, uh, this is my girlfriend, Azalea," Varian said to Quirin. Quirin nodded. Varian smiled and he relaxed. I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder. 

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