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September 1st, 1989

Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think there's good in everyone but uh-here we are! First day of Senior year! And uhm...I look around at these kids I've known all my life and I think....what happened?

Lance looked around the halls of Westerburg High, biting his lip. Did he look too loud or obvious to attract the attention of bullies. He'd managed to evade them somewhat most of his life but it was bound to happen any day now. Or any second...

He wore a pair of white bell-bottom jeans, white shirt and a big bulky denim jacket. A checkered and plaid scarf with other different mismatched patches. He had begged his mom to just sew up his old scarf, knowing a brand new one would judge him on what type of person he was to the bullies of Westerburg.

He could almost hear the words of people all around him mocking him.





He murmured to himself. They had been children once, almost all of them. They were tiny, happy and....shiny. Singing, baking cookies, eating paste. And then it was suddenly like they got bigger and it was like-

The jocks knocked down the school doors boisterously high fives and yelling,"Punch it in!" laughing and clapping. 

-It was like the Huns invading Rome.

Welcome to Westerburg, or as Lance liked to call it... The Thunderdome.

He held his breath and walked to his locker number. Just one more year in this hell before I graduate. But I know, life can be...-He looked up at the number 286. The entire row of lockers had been painted on with graffiti and spray paint. -beautiful. He sighed and looked down at his diary, writing some more.

 I just...pray for a better way, ya know? If we changed back then, we could change again...

Just not today.

The school bell rang, time for hellish classes.

When lunchtime came around, Lance tightened the scarf around his neck, hiding most of his face. This was where everyone gathered. At each table were different kinds of people. The jocks on one, preppy students in the other, geeks and nerds, and of course...

Lance shook his head, dreading the thought, grabbing on to a nearby half-clean lunch tray. College was his only hope. Harvard, Duke, or Brown would be so much better than this. The things he could do and learn there, start clean because these people are not going to Harvard. He could work at a French Cafe, serve in a beautiful black and white suit and smell the flowers and ivy covered walls..

Then he could set this dump on fire.

Just as he was about to grab a milk, he felt a force smack down his lunch tray. Lance flinched as he heard a voice coo at him. "Ooooooooooooooops." He looked up, disgusted. Of course, wearing his purple letterman jacket and white hair in a bun, tan skin effortlessly flawless.

Lotor Prince, linebacker, tray-smacker...and a huge dick.

Lance made the mistake of muttering the last part aloud,"What did you say to me, nerd?"Lance flinched again, grabbing his lunch tray,"Aghh, uhm....nothing." Lotor glared at him, before flicking his forehead. Lance rolled his eyes once out of sight and grit his teeth.

When will he get out of this god-damned place, get a new life and blow this FUCKING-


Lance yelped,"Aghh!Oh....hey, Martha." Martha smiled shyly, and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear while trying to hold her lunch tray. She wore a bright pink unicorn shirt and a pink scrunchie. Lance smiled back, just as genuine. His only friend he could count on and trusted, his friend since....forever. Martha gleamed,"We're on for movie night?" Lance winked at her,"You know it, which movie did you get?" Martha grinned brightly, she was a kind person with a big heart it's never enough. "I rented the Princess Bride!!" Lance rolled his eyes playfully,"Woah ho ho, again? I thought you had it memorized?" Martha shrugged,"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending..." Her bright cheery voice faded into nothing as her eyes widened in horror. 

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