You'll Be Back

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Lance went over to Keith's house after that day. Keith was sitting on the couch and Lance joined him, kissing his temple. "How are you?" Keith mumbled,"Good." Lance leaned into him, smiling softly,"Good." Keith was strangely quiet. Lance looked up,"Babe?" Keith remained to be silent. Lance frowned,"Keith, what's wrong."

"You saw what happened today." Lance paused. Between Duke and McNamara. Sudden realization set in like a brick and he paled,"Keith."

"I'm telling you-"

"Keith, don't you dare even say it-"

"If Heather Duke was gone, we could just-"

Lance shook his head,"Stop it! Stop it! No, I told you to make a choice, be with me or lose me-"

Keith turned around, grabbing Lance's shoulders and Lance was prepared to say the hardest thing he had to in his entire life. "Lance, what if I don't have to make a choice. All we need to do is one more thing, one more murder. When Duke's gone that'll be it, I promise. I'm just asking you one small thing, you don't even have to do too much, I'll do it I'm okay with that" Lance fumed,"How can you be okay-That's it. We're breaking up." Keith's face paled more and his eyes suddenly seemed deprived of anger, all that was left was pure fear and terror,"Lance, w-wait-" Lance held back his tears and prevented his voice from quivering but his body was shaking uncontrollably,"No, I-I can't do this anymore I just can't-" He got up from the couch and just as he was about to take a step forward he felt Keith suddenly grabbed him and pin him to the couch again, kissing him.

Lance felt his body warm and he stopped shaking for a second before he realized. He pushed Keith off him but Keith kissed him again, harder this time. Lance felt his tears begin to rush. He didn't want to do this. He felt himself automatically kissing back but he pushed him away fiercely and got up, walking away. Keith seemed to be in a trance and wiped his lip. "You'll be back." Lance flinched but continued walking, not looking back. Keith couldn't see him cry or he'd convince him to stay. "It's okay. You'll be back. You'll come back to me. And when you do..."

Lance didn't look back as he shut the door.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖉//Klance Heathers the Musical //Where stories live. Discover now