Corn... Nuts...

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The next morning, Keith and Lance woke up in each others arms and they got dressed. Lance sighed,"I should go to Heather and apologize..." Keith smiled as he put on his high collared coat,"And give her a hangover cure?" Lance bit his lip, trying to hide his smile,"Shut up. I don't know, should we?" Keith came up from behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his temple,"That's what you want right? To see Heather throw up? Might as well if you're gonna die afterward." Lance grinned,"I suppose."

They made the drive to Heather's mansion and got in through the back. "Are you sure she's home?" Lance rolled his eyes,"Trust me, she skips out on the weekend trip to Grandma's every week whether she's hangover or not." They entered the kitchen, red curtains hung on the window, white counters and a pink fridge. Lance opened the fridge up,"So what should we do?" Keith shrugged, looking through the cabinets and drawers, pulling out a cup." Lance pulled out two cartons,"I say OJ and Milk. I don't know, what's the chug factor in that one?" 

Keith sighed,"Add a soup or something I guess." 

"Oooh, like what soup?" 

Keith grinned and turned to Lance, holding a bottle of blue liquid drainer,"Would you put that stuff away? I say we go with Big Blue here!" Lance rolled his eyes,"Ha Ha. Very funny. Anyways, Chunky Dumpling or Cream of Mushroom?" Keith smirked,"Neither." He poured the liquid drainer into the cup. Lance rolled his eyes and walked up next to him,"Are you kidding? Heather would never drink something that looked like that." Keith shrugged and reached for a white ceramic mug with a lid,"Here, she won't see what it is." He poured it in and Lance poured into another mug orange juice and milk. Lance scoffed,"Oh stop, you're so annoying." Lance looked over with a smile and Keith's cheeks warmed, wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him softly. Lance hummed into the kiss and titled his head, closing his eyes. His hand reached out for the cup and grabbed the nearest one. Lance pulled away and pecked his lips before walking towards Heather's room, cup in hand. Keith sighed, cheeks red and warm, lips tingling. He looked down and saw the mug with orange juice and milk. If this one is still here, Lance took the mug with....

"Uhm Lance?"


Keith looked down at the mug and back up at Lance,"Uh, nothing. Let me carry the mug." 

They entered Heather's room, a beautiful red bed in the middle and the snoring hungover Heather sleeping. Her hair was tangled in her scrunchie and she wore a short red robe over her body. Groggily, she opened her eyes and got up. "Oh...Lance. And Joan Jett." Keith glared at her. Lance smiled,"We made you something." Keith presented her the mug filled with liquid drainer,"Here. A hangover cure, it's a family recipe." Heather's nose scrunched up,"What is it, milk and orange juice?" Keith just smiled,"I told you she wouldn't take it." Heather got out of the bed and sassily put a hand on her hip,"Just give me the cup, jerk." He shrugged and gave it to her. Heathers took it in her hands and Keith watched her anxiously as she drank it. She walked forward, face neutral for a few steps before she began to gag. Her hands went to her throat and she dropped the mug. Lance's face morphed into confusion. Her tongue was blue and she choked. She began to fall to the ground and she clutched onto Lance's pants,"Corn....Nuts...!" She collapsed on the ground. Lance picked up the mug and his face paled, sickening. He wanted to throw up. "Liquid Drainer,"Keith said,"Holy shit."

Lance's voice was almost gone, heart thumping wildly,"Oh my God. I just killed my best friend." 

"Or your worst enemy,"pointed out Keith."

"SAME DIFFERENCE!!" Lance screamed. Lance placed a hand on his chest and Keith ran his fingers through his hair. Lance took a few staggering steps to Heather's vanity, sitting on the chair," I'm gonna have to send my SAT scores to a community college instead of Harvard.."

Keith breathed in and out,"So we just killed someone...and that's a crime. But what if it wasn't a suicide thing, ya know?" Lance murmured,"Yeah...yeah.." Keith gulped,"You can do Heather's handwriting as well as your own, right?" Lance grabbed a nearby paper sheet and red pen,"Yeah...Uhm...You might think what I've done is shocking. To me, though suicide is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me. People think just because you're beautiful and popular, life is easy and fun. Nobody understood I have feelings too. I die knowing no one knew the real me.."

They stared at each other and placed the note under Heather's hand.

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