Coke or Cherry?

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Warning: Smoking...

Lance stepped out the car, wearing a gray off the sleeves shirt and tight sexy almost overalls with a blue gem pinned to the middle. He looked good. He and the Heathers were on their way to a homecoming party hosted by an old friend of Duke. Heathers stopped the car at 7/11 and told Lance to get some Corn Nuts.

"You want BQ, or plain?" 


Lance rolled his eyes and walked through the aisles, looking for the  barbecue Corn Nuts. He looked at the BQ and plain,"You're thinking about getting plain just in case?" Lance turned at to where the voice came from and his smile widened,"No, but if you're nice I'll let you buy me a slushy. Do you come here often?" Mr.No-Name kid stood there, wearing the same clothes as earlier that day. He shrugged, glancing at the Corn Nuts,"Well yeah, when you're moving from place to place. I've moved around all my life. Boston, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Las Vegas-" He smirked,"-Sherwood, Ohio. And there's always been a 7/11 to keep me company. Besides, I never bother remembering people names. Dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den." Lance smiled breathlessly,"Really?" 

Lance took a piece of licorice root and took a bite,"I never got your name." Mr. No-Name Kid grinned, hands in pockets,"Keith. Kogane." Lance hummed," you like slushies?" Keith laughed,"'Like' is an understatement. 7/11 keeps me sane, ya know? I can numb the pain, freeze my brain. Basically, fight pain with more pain. With the cool sensation of slushies, who needs cocaine? Yeah?" Lance walked toward the slushy station and leaned on the counter,"Yeah. I can't tell you I know how that feels but slushies are a comfort." Keith smiled,"Yeah, I know." Lance couldn't tell if he was responding to the first sentence or the second. Lance crossed his arms,"That thing you pulled in the cafeteria was pretty severe." When he thought about it, Lance realized Keith wasn't hurt or bruised from the fight. His skin remained a pale snowy white and his face was intact. Very nicely.

Keith walked over to Lance, getting very close,"Yeah, the extreme always seem to make an impression." Keith's eyes trailed over Lance and suddenly Lance was extremely grateful he was wearing a good outfit. Keith grinned slyly,"Did you say Coke or Cherry?" Lance bit his lip, trying to a hide a smile,"I didn't. Cherry." Keith and Lance walked out together, Lance slurping on a cherry slushy. Keith sat down on his motorcycle parked in front of the store. Lance scoffed in disbelief,"Wow." Keith's hand trailed over the motorcycle fondly,"Yeah, just a perk from my dad's company." Lance whistled,"Damn, must be hard moving place to place." Keith sighed, pulling out a lighter and a cigarette. "Yeah, we all got problems. Bet you your life's perfect." Lance hummed and took a sip of cherry slushy,"I don't really like my friends." Keith lips slowly curled into a smirk,"I don't really like your friends either." Suddenly, Lance heard a car honk.


Lance sighed,"Anyways, I gotta go...see you around?" Keith shrugged with a smile,"Sure, if I don't leave tomorrow." Lance waved at him and then got into the front seat of Heather's red Porsche.

"Jesus Lance, drool much? You were practically waving you boxers at the new kid." Lance sighed,"Shut up, Heather."

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