Candy Store

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Dear Diary: It's been three weeks since I became...friends...with the Heathers. Well, friends isn't exactly the word, it's more like the Heathers are people I work with. And our job is being popular and shit...

"Hey Lance!"

Lance looked up from writing in his diary and up at Martha. He grinned brightly, seeing a real friend,"Hey!" Martha smiled sweetly,"You look very beautiful these days." Lance felt his cheeks warm at that. Beautiful. He smiled,"Aww, thanks. But you know it's still the same me underneath." He hoped she understood that. Martha's smiled began to fade and she sighed,"Are you sure?" Lance paled, suddenly remembering something,"O-Oh look, I'm sorry I flaked out on movie night last's just I have had a lot going on. Heather wanted to take me shopping and then Duke began to not feel so well after eating a lot and then-"

"No no, I get it. You're with the Heathers now!" Martha smiled again but Lance could tell it was forced. She leaned into him and whispered,"That's exciting!!" Lance shook his head,"It's whatever. But we'll get together soon sometime, like karaoke and it'll be on me! The tunes, drink, food, ya know everyt-"


Duke came by and stopped Lance, pointing a thumb in the direction of the cafeteria,"Heather say get your ass over to the cafeteria pronto. Like right now." Lance nodded and waved at Martha, who waved back shyly. Heather was already at the table when Lance got there. "Lance, I need a note in Lotor Prince's handwriting." She looked around,"You'll need something to write on. Hmm." Her gaze went from the table to Duke. "Heather, bend over." Lance blinked once. Then twice. Duke sighed and doubled over. Lance shrugged and placed his diary over her back.

Heather began,"Hello...Beautiful. I've been watching you and thinking about our old days. They bring me comfort and joy. That's why I hope you can come over to my homecoming party this weekend. Miss you my darling, Lotor." She grinned,"Oh put an xoxo at the end." Lance finished writing and handed the note to Heather,"What's it for?" Heather giggled,"You know how Lotor and Martha Dumptruck had kinda of a thing going on?" Lance flinched. No. Please no.

"Oh uhm. Yeah. In kindergarten. We all did." Duke laughed,"We all didn't kiss on the football field." McNamara gasped and giggled excitedly,"Oh that's right! I remember! Lotor kissed Martha Dumptruck!!" Everyone stared at her and she giggled nervously,"It was...disgusting!" Heather looked over the note,"Perfect."

Heather called over Lotor and she smiled shyly and flirtatiously, batting her eyelashes. Lotor stared at her and his own smug smile appeared before walking over to her, Kuron following behind. Heather met him halfway and pressed herself against Lotor, Lotor going red. "Be a darling and give this note to Martha Dumptruck for me." Lance's face was stricken with horror. "What?! No no no-" Duke shut him up with a kick. Lotor's face twisted as if the name repelled him,"Since when do you talk to that lard-ass?" Lance growled under his breath. Heather sighed as Lotor was beginning to open up the note,"Oh she was having extra flow and wanted some advice." Lotor immediately closed the note before reading and he and Kuron both yelled in disgust,"Agh, gross!!" Duke and McNamara were laughing in the back, holding back Lance. Lance tried to snatch the note,"What are you doing?!" His face darkened and saddened, sighed deeply,"Please...don't do this. Not to her." Duke rolled her eyes," Ugh what's the big deal?! We'll give her shower nozzle masturbation for weeks." Heather glared at her,"Shut up, Heather." Duke bit her lip,"Sorry Heather."

Lance shook his head,"Martha has had a thing for Lotor for...years. This-" He pointed to the note,"-this would kill her." Lance looked Heather dead in the eyes,"Come on. You're bigger than this."

Heather crossed her arms, one hand in the air,"Are we gonna have a problem? You've got a bone to pick?" Heather took a step closer and cupped his cheek,"You've come so far." Her hand lowered and grabbed his jacket, yanking him,"Why now are you pulling on my dick?" She whispered in his ear,"I could slap you face here, right now, in front of everyone." She let go of him,"But I'm being nice, so here's some advice. Listen up, asshole." Lotor began to walk away with Kuron by his side. Heather began walking in the opposite direction and Lance tried to go to Lotor, but Duke and McNamara blocked him, pushing him along with them. Heather went to the vending machine and pointed to what she wanted,"Heather, get some chips and a...candy bar." Duke frowned and rolled her eyes, grabbing her lunch money and getting chips and a candy bar.

Heather took the chips in one hand and the candy bar in the other,"If you're gonna hang with us, you do what I say. Look hot, drink hard, skip gym, whatever. But if you lack the balls, go home. Let your mommy do everything for you. Or be with me in my Porsche, smoking with the boys." She raised the candy bar higher,"It's my candy store. Take it or leave it. What do you want?" McNamara stepped in,"It's candy! People will fall at your feet, help you cheat and pay the check for you. The only thing you need to do is-" Duke grinned,"Say goodbye to Shamoo." 

McNamara huffed,"That freak isn't your friend. If she had a shot like yours to be popular, take the candy, she would leave you to rot." Duke shrugged and grabbed the bag of chips, throwing them in Lance's face as he flinched,"Of course, if you don't care, fine. Go fuck off and braid her hair, watch Sesame Street. Or forget her and we'll rule the world, baby." Lance looked down at the bag of chips, salty. He could be harassed and treated like shit again, all alone while everyone begs and takes the candy. Heather tilted his chin up with her finger, forcing him to look into her eyes,"You can join us, or die alone. You can fly with fucking eagles! But keep on testing me.." She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him, sending him crashing into the vending machine. "And you'll end up like her. Prove you're not a loser anymore." She pointed behind her and Lance watched in pure terror as Lotor handed Martha the note with red cheeks. Martha watched after him as he left, eyes shining.

"Honey, what are you waiting for?" Lance looked at the candy bar and at the chips. He made his choice.

Heather's smug smirk grew as Lance took the candy bar in his hands and the bag of chips fell to the ground. He walked past the girls and clutched the chocolate in his hands. Martha came running to him, open note in hand,"Lance, Lance! Look, Lotor invited me to his party! I knew he was thinking about me, this proves everything!!" Lance was silent, staring silently at her. He turned back and the Heathers were watching him. Heather grinned,"It's my candy store." Lance looked back at Martha,"Color me stoked!" Martha hugged him tightly,"I'm so happy!"

Lance hugged her back, clutching on to her for support.

Afterward, Heather placed a hand on his shoulder,"What did I say? It's my candy store, honey."

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