Their Lies

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Everyone stared at Lance when he walked into school. He had told McNamara everything and later she broke up with Kuron. Duke was waiting at Lance's locker. Lance murmured to her,"Why is everyone staring?" Duke scrunched up her nose in disgust,"Ugh, Lance. You don't know? Kuron and Lotor have been telling everyone how much they enjoyed you on Friday. "

Lance flinched,"We didn't do anything." 

"That's not what they are saying. They keep saying they put their swords in your mouth. Lance, how could you do such a thing? I didn't think you'd do that..." Lance gaped at her,"What?! I didn't! I have a boyfriend, they are lying to everyone!" Duke laughed maliciously,"Everyone knows now, no matter if they're lying or not."

"Oh babe, how you doing? You still sore?" Lance turned around, eyes burning threw Lotor and Kuron, leaning on the lockers. "Shut up, you disgusting assholes. Even if I did, which I didn't, I don't think I'd enjoy it much. Probably fake it. But of course, I DIDN'T!!" Kuron leaned in,"Oh baby, everyone already knows how much of a slut you are for dick. There's no denying it~!"

Everyone except McNamara was laughing. Lance could faintly hear her yelling at them to shut up. Wow. Never thought she stand up for him like that. But their laughter became louder and Lance felt the tears well and his heart in his throat. He needed to get out of there. He pushed his way throug Duke, Kuron and Lotor and ran past them. He blindly searched for place to be alone, tears blinding him. He opened the storage closet and shut the door behind him, sliding down and simply crying  in his hands.

The door opened and Lance looked up, sniffling. His eyes widened and he winced.


𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖉//Klance Heathers the Musical //Where stories live. Discover now