Meant to Be Yours

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Warning: Mentions of suicide and faked suicide

Martha Dunnstock, an eighteen year old girl, attempts suicide by jumping off the bridge. She was found by someone and she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, surviving and she will be released for prom...

Lance fought back his tears. A breakup. His ex-best friend trying to kill herself over a dead boy who was a jerk. He committed three murders with his ex-boyfriend, whom he's still in love with. Prom night was tonight and he did not want to go. Just watch a movie with Heather McNamara.

"Sorry for coming in through the window, dreadful etiquette, I know." Lance turned around and glared at Keith, who entered his room through the window. He ran into the closet door and closed it, pressing his body against the door.

"Hiding in the closet? Ha ha...come on.." Keith knocked lightly on the door, speaking softly,"Open the door." Lance shut his eyes,"No, I'll scream my parents will call the police."

Keith laughed,"All is forgiven baby, come on out and get dressed, you're my date to prom tonight." Lance scowled,"What? Why?" Keith snickered and Lance could practically see him rolling his eyes,"Well, our classmates thought they were signing a petition I convinced Duke to send out against teenage suicide." Keith's voice lowered,"You better come out here and see what they really signed." Lance didn't open the door and Keith's growled.

"You chucked me out like I was trash and for that you should be dead. But, then it hit me. What if Westerberg went away instead!" Lance flinched and he whimpered. What did he mean? "Those assholes are the key, they're keeping you away from me. They messed you up, but I can set you free." Keith approached the door, slamming his fists on it,"You left me and I fell apart. I punched the wall and cried,"BAM!" He slammed his fists three times again on the door and Lance covered his ears. He could still hear Keith though. "Then, I realized you had changed my heart and set loose allll that truthful shit inside." Keith leaned down and lowered his voice, almost a whisper,"So I built a bomb, baby. Our school will be Vietnam. They are never going to see their senior prom." His voice changed, voice quivering," I...was meant to be yours, Lance. We were meant to be one. Don't give up on me now, Lance. You have to finish what we begun..."

Keith shook his head, voice rising again,"So when the high school gym blows up, in the rubble of their tomb the police will find this petition, explaining why we died."

We the students of Westerberg High...will die! Our burnt bodies may finally get through to you. You're society churns out slaves and thanks. Signed the students of Westerberg High. Goodbye.

Keith voice rang loud and clear through the closet door. Lance found some old rope in the back of his closet and finally knew what to do. "Come on, we'll watch the smoke pour out the doors! And we can bring marshmallows, we can make smores! We can smile and cuddle while the school burns and the fire roars!" His voice cracked and Lance finished tying the noose.

"Lance...we were meant to be one. I can't take this alone. Please, help me finish what we've begun." Unknown to Lance, Keith stared at the picture frame of the two of them. Lance was kissing his cheek and Keith was laughing. Keith's eyes watered,"You were...." His voice was harsh and brash,"-meant to be mine! I am all that you need, Lance. You carved my heart open, you can't just leave me to bleed. LANCE!" Keith knocked on the door rapidly,"Lance, open the door, come on. Please, open the door. Lance, can we not fight anymore? Lance, I know you're scared, I can help you, I've been there! Lance, don't make me come in there. I'm gonna count to 3!" Lance lifted himself in the closet, tears falling and hung the noose around his neck and he lifted himself up, hanging from the rope.


Lance closed him eyes and his body became weightless.

"Two-fuck it."

Keith slammed the door down and his eyes widened. Lance hung from the noose, eyes closed. Keith's heart stopped. "No." Keith dropped to his knees and he clutched the floor. Tear droplets fell to the ground and Keith looked up,"Damn it, Lance." A maniacal chuckle filled the room,"We could have toasted marshmallows together." His smile faded,"Lance....please. Don't leave me alone." His hand reached up and clutched his forehead, the other brushed his fingers against Lance's body. "You were...all I could trust. I can't do this alone." It was dead silent as Keith got up.


He turned around and walked out the closet, glancing back," I will if I must."

He ran, wiping his tears and jumped out the window. Lance opened his eyes and took off the loose noose around his neck. 

Keith had to be stopped.

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