Chapter 6| Wyatt

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I ring the doorbell to Abbey's grandparents house. I glance back at River, still sitting in the car in their driveway. Making sure I get inside before he leaves for Emily's house.

Abbey's grandma, Sherri, opens the door, smiling. "Why hello Wyatt, come in, come in."

"Thanks Sherri." I say as I come in. I kick off my shoes by the front door, as Sherri asks everyone to do.

"Are you here to see Abbey?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Good, she came home and immediately shut herself in her bedroom. She's upset about something. Do you know what?"

"Yeah." I repeat. Keeping it vague. Abbey loves her grandparents, but prefers to not include them in her personal stuff. She just stays with them during the school year, then stays with her mom during school breaks. And she's much closer with her mom.

"Well, then I won't hold you back. Oh, but if you could bring her up some food that'd be lovely. I'm sure she hasn't eaten much."

I nod and go to their kitchen. I look through the fridge and pantry, and end up grabbing some flaming hot Cheetos for Abbey, since it's her favorite.

I run up to her bedroom, and knock on her door.

"I swear grandma, I'm not coming out!" She yells from inside her room.

"Abbey, may I please come in?" I ask. Even if Abbey says no, I'll just chill out with her grandparents. I've done it enough times already. Even spent the night with them just because. They needed help with yard work one time, and Abbey was with her mom, so I came over and stayed for a week. They're like my second grandparents. Well, technically third, but dad's parents don't visit as much and mom's. Probably because they don't live next door, but who cares about the details.

"Ugh, I should've known you'd come." Abbey groans. "You're an idiot Wyatt."


"Because I can't say no to you. Gosh dammit!"

I grin softly, knowing I've totally won. Geez, I love this girl.

I hear Abbey get out of bed, walk to the door, unlock it, and start to walk away. But I open the door and pull her into a hug before she can crawl back into bed.

"Am I fat Wyatt?" Abbey mumbles into my chest, and I curse under my breath. Great. Just great.

"No, absolutely not Abbey."

"You hesitated. Meaning you lied. I am fat. Dick was right. Maybe I should just kill-"

I pull Abbey out of the hug, and press one of my hands over her mouth, successfully shutting her up before she can finish. Who knows what I would've done if I hear Abbey say she wanted to... I want to kill Dick.

"Abbey I hesitated because I was cursing Dick for making you think that. You're not fat. Please don't even think about it."

Abbey licks my hand, probably wanting to get me to move my hand away from her mouth, but I don't do anything. She's gonna have to do more then just lick my hand.

"Do you think you're fat?" I ask. Abbey shakes her head no. "Did you just lie to me." Abbey then nods her head. I sigh and pull her back into a hug.

It was easy to see the fact she had been crying, and school hasn't even been out for too long. Dick really hurt her.

"You're not fat Abbey. You're beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my whole life." I say honestly. Ever since I was four years old, I've known she's the most beautiful girl in the world. I've never looked at another girl but her.

"You're funny Wyatt." Abbey mumbles then pulls herself away from me. "If I'm not fat, then what's this?" Abbey then proceeds to attempt to grab her so called fat, but all I see is literal beauty.

"Abbey, that's not fat, that's access skin so you can move your body around. Please stop thinking you're fat!"

Abbey rolls her eyes. "You're only saying that because of pity. Dick told me so."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Did he mess with you after we got suspended?"

Abbey then realizes what she said, and tries to cover it up by switching the subject. I however completely ignore her questions about the weather.

"What did he say Abigail?"

"Nothing of importance." Abbey shrugs, but I see her stare off into the distance, probably remembering all the shit Dock must have told her.

"What's it going to take for me to convince you you aren't fat?" I finally ask after a moment.

Abbey shrugs. "Nothing. Because I am. Dick said everyone agrees with him, I don't know how I didn't see it before, but I really am. I used to think I looked good, ha, I was so stupid. Makes sense because Dick also says I'm stupid."

I groan. I'm going to find Dick's address, go to his house, and slowly torture him in his sleep. I knew this would happen. Not only is Abbey really sensitive, but once she believes something to be true, it's hard to change her mind otherwise.

How does she not see herself like how I do? If she just saw herself like I saw her, she'd never once question her beauty. I'm serious, she's perfect. She's the most beautiful girl ever. No one else can even come close to comparing to her.

"Can you please just leave me alone Wyatt?" Abbey asks slipping out of my grasp and sits on her bed. "I just want to be by myself."

"Yeah, ok." I'll just stay with her grandparents. Maybe even spend the night. However it takes for her to want to be around me. I have to respect the fact she doesn't want to be around me right now.

"I mean I want you to go back to your house Wyatt. Not stay here, like I know you'll try to do."

I frown a bit. Damn, she really doesn't want me around. Which is weird because she's usually very clingy with me. "Ok. One more time though, you're beautiful. Bye Abs." I wave smiling at her as I leave her bedroom.

I need to make it a habit of telling Abbey how beautiful she is everyday, instead of just thinking it. She needs to know what the shithead Dick said was obviously a lie, and that she really is the most beautiful girl ever.

I honestly keep updating so much because I love reading the comments. Literally the best part of my day is seeing all the comments, positive or negative, it makes my whole day.

Have a good day tic tacs:)

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