Chapter 62| Wyatt

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We did not have a week before the twins were gonna come. That was just the due date. Abbey and I were fooled. Four days after mom teaching us about being parents, Abbey literally went into labor. So that's why we're at the hospital right now. She's been in labor for what, like 3 hours already. Who mows how long this will last. Abbey seems fine though.

"Baby, can you hand me my water?" Abbey asks, holding out her hand for her water, that's right beside her.

"Okie dokie!" I grab it, and hand it to her.


"I'm sorry, how are you so calm? Isn't labor where you scream in pain for an hour, then pop out your babies? I'm confused." Emily grumbles from the couch.

"Damn, you really did not listen to 9th grade health class." River mumbles. And I can't help but laugh.

"Always, always use two types of contraceptives dude! That's the first rule! Stupid old man!" I laugh. His stupid ass knocking up Emily. They both agreed no kids till marriage, and here these fools are, expecting twins, at age seventeen.

"Says the kid who's literally hours away from being a dad!!" River bites back.

"Jokes on you, it was my plan the whole time to impregnate her! I needed a good excuse to be engaged at sixteen! Your baby boy's all grown up now loser."

"What does contraceptives and impregnate mean?" Noah asks.

"Boys!" Mom says angrily. "Stop teaching my baby boy things he's too young to know about! I don't need to be explaining these things to him yet."

"I know how babies are made." Noah mumbles.

"What? Since when?" Dad asks.

Noah grins. "Since you told me! I was nine. And you said babies are made when a-" Noah then goes in to proceed showing us with his hands, which causes River to crack up.

"Ohmygoshhhh!!!! Dadd!!! What in the heavens did you teach him!!" River laughs.

"I," mom says crossing her arms as she looks at dad. "would like to know as well."

Unfortunately, the nurse came to check on Abbey, saying the baby was like about to be here or something.

"Ok really though, how are you not screaming in pain?" Emily asks Abbey.

Abbey shrugs. "I get really bad period cramps. Feels the same, except that I also need to poop really bad."

River snorts. "Emily, when you give birth to little Jimmy and Gregory, please shit a little bit. It'll be cute!"

"Oh my fucking gosh River. You keep getting weirder and weirder. No."

River shrugs. 'Come on pumpkin.' He signs to Keely, holding out his hand for Keely, who doesn't even spare it a glance as she walks briskly past him.


Abbey is now literally seconds away from birthing out first child. The doctor said playing music can help, and Abbey being a cute yet annoying indecisive little flower, let me pick the music.

"I am not giving birth to fucking Metallica!!" Abbey yells.

I frown. "Fine. Whatever." I then pick the most bestest country song, and she shoots that down as well.

"What- is- wrong- with- you?!" She pants.

"Ok! Ok! I'll play Clair de Lune? How about that?"

"Fine!" She groans.

I put on the song, and look back to my beautiful fiancée, all sweaty, red faced, and ready to murder me. She's cute.

"Wyatt, you're terrible at calming her down." Dad groans, from his spot by Abbey's side, where she has his hand in a death grip.

I gulp, facing the reality. "I'm not ready to be a dad. I'm gonna be a shit dad." I whisper, so only he can hear.

"A little late for that bud. Here, come hold her other hand."

I nod and go take Abbey's other hand, which she immediately squeezes into numbness. "Ready for Dave to come?"

"No. Not one bit." She grumbles before being told to push, and in a matter of minutes, our gross slimy baby is plopped on her chest. He lowkey kinda gross, yet cute.

"Aw, he looks just like you!" Abbey says sweetly.

"Really? Thanks. Good job Abs. We make a good baby."

Am I going to cry? Psh... no. I am going to fucking ball my eyes out, because I've just realized this is exactly what I want in life. A happy fiancée, and my two sons. I can't ask for anything more.

"Wyatt, wanna cut the umbilical cord?" Mom asks.

"Fuck no. I will actually hurl. No offense babe." I say looking back to Abbey, who's already seconds away from pushing for baby #2.

Mom shrugs and cuts it herself.

A nurse whisks off baby #1 to clean him off, while Abbey's told to push again.

"Holy mother of Moses! This baby has got one big ass head!" Abbey cries.

And a few minutes later, another wet, slimy, baby is plopped on her chest.

"Aw! He looks the exact same as baby #1!" I say. "How cute! Also inconvenient, because ain't no way I'm telling those two apart."

"You are actually a fucking douchebag. Why in the hell am I in love with you?"

"I love you too beautiful!" I say, wiping an actual tear away.

Once both babies are cleaned up, I get to hold one, and Abbey gets to hold one.

"Ok, baby #1 is Nolan, after my first dad. Baby #2 after my second dad." Abbey says.

"Alright. Sweet. Which one am I holding?" I ask. I seriously can't tell these two apart.

"You have Nolan." Abbey says, not even glancing up from who I guess is Alan.

"How do you know?" Ain't no way she's right.

"Nolan has a dimple on his forehead, Alan doesn't. Geez, pay more attention."

I look up at Abbey, making eye contact. "I love you."

"I love you too beautiful."

Hey tic tacs

Omg! Dave and Dan are born! How adorable! Hope you enjoyed this chapter from Wyatt's point of view:)

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