Chapter 57| Emily

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TW: Mentions of rape

I don't know how long this little scream fest has been going on for, but it has definitely been several hours.

"Wyatt! You bitch!" I cry.

We've been playing monopoly, because it's a game that takes up a good chunk of time, and makes it so you have to focus just enough to not really hear all the yelling going on downstairs.

"What did I do?!" Wyatt cries.

"Put a hotel on your fucking house! I'm right about to go through, what do you have against me?"

"It's a brown property Emily. It's just 100 monopoly bucks. Chill out."

I roll my eyes and roll the dice, getting a doubles ten. "Ha! Take that you bitch!" I laugh in Wyatt face as I pass by his property, and roll again, getting a seven this time, and landing on his orange property with a hotel, which will cost me about 850 monopoly dollars I believe.

"Ha! Take that you bitch!" Wyatt laughs snatching the money from my hand.

"Riv, your brother is a flat out bitch." I groan passing the dice to Noah.

"What? No. You're just too competitive. It is simply a game." River says holding out his hand for Noah to pay him when he lands on Noah's property.

"Too competitive? Yeah right!" I roll my eyes.

Of course he's right. I know I'm very competitive. I like to win, and hate losing. Simple.

The landline, that has a phone in every bedroom due to the foster home regulations for our area, starts ringing.

"If it's just a telemarketer, I'm totally going to troll them!" I laugh.

"Emily no. You tried last time, then agreed to vote for some third party dude." Abbey says, shaking her head.

"So? They should've known from my voice I was too young to vote." I wave my hand, pausing to listen closely for the landline to say who's calling.

"Call from Elkton Police Department." The landline says in a robotic voice.

"Weird. We should probably pick up. It's not everyday the police station for a different town calls." I mumble.

"I'll get it!" Wyatt says, since he's just finished his turn, then jumps up answering the phone. "Yes, I'm their son.... Yes, that's the name of my sister..."

We all immediately stop playing when we hear they're asking about Keely.

"... Yes, she knew Kyle Prescott.... Correct, she is 100% deaf, she knows some sign language though..... My parents are busy si- Yes sir! Right away sir!"

Wyatt runs past us, and downstairs, and immediately we all follow after him. I thought it was fucking sketchy when just Keely was mentioned, but know the fucking bitchface had been mentioned too, I am genuinely concerned for Keely.

Wyatt runs into the middle of the argument, with no fear as he hands the phone to Tyler.

"It's the Elkton Police Department! It's about Keely and Kai!" Wyatt cries.

The arguing comes to a dead silence, and Tyler grabs Raven's hand and pulls them out of the circle of fucktards, and to the kitchen, where us kids try to crowd around.

Tyler puts it on speaker, so both he and Raven can hear.

"Hello? This is Tyler Short, and Raven Short." Tyler says.

"You two are the legal parents of Keely Short?" The officer asks.

"Yes sir. We adopted her legally when she was 18 months old."

"And she has known a Kyle Prescott?"

"Yes sir, that's her boyfriend."

"Mhm, well Tyler. I don't like delivering bad news, but it appears I must. About an hour ago we got a call from a deaf girl, saying her boyfriend had... raped her, and then she was dumped unclothed to a place she didn't know. We picked her up, brought her back to the station, gave her clothes. She's answered all our questions via pen and paper. Kyle Prescott was already breaking the law by have sexual activity with your daughter, with her fifteen and him eighteen, and if your daughter is telling the truth about the, rape, we can lock him up for longer. Why don't you and your wife come down to the station, and we can talk more? Get your daughter, and press charges against her rapist?"

Everyone is dead silent for several beats. Not knowing what to think.

Keely raped? Ain't no fucking way! That girl is way too strong and stubborn to let that bitch face get in her way.... Except Keely hasn't been too strong since the accident. She hasn't gotten her strength back yet.

"Holy shit! I knew it! I fucking knew it!" River cries. "I knew the second I left those two alone something back would happen! It's all my fault!"

Tyler and Raven seem to snap out of it once River starts talking. Tyler grabs the phone, asking for the address, and Raven goes to River, hugging him. "No baby, it's not your fault."

"It is! I knew something had been different! The one time they're alone together everything gets fucked! What type of brother am I!"

"River, you're a good brother. It's not your fault. Listen, you guys are going to stay here. I know you aren't going to like it, but please just let your father and I go peacefully. We don't want to swarm Keely, not now. Ok?"

River nods, not saying a word.

As Tyler frantically searches for his car keys, and Raven goes to try and calm him down, I decide to do something about the bitches in the living room.

"You all need to leave." I say casually. Who knows, maybe they'll leave on without much bother.

"No way kid. I am not done with my shitty sister." The leader of the groups says, and I just blink, how dare he call Raven shitty.

"Uh no, you are going to leave. It wasn't negotiable. And do not call Raven shitty, she is anything but that, and anything else you think negativity about her. Now get before I have to make you."

Yes, he's a grown adult, but I am a strong stubborn girl who knows how to pack a punch. I'm just waiting for him to say one sexist thing, to give me that extra little boost. Although, I do have some unrelenting rage I need to take care of, that a certain bitchface caused, so I don't think I really need the extra boost of murderous.

"Oh, and what's a weak little girl like you going to do?" He mocks, and Noah who had moved to my side hisses.

"Oh no Zane. That's one thing you don't do." Noah waves sweetly. "Have a fun time nursing it."

Zane, I guess his name is, frowns. "Nursing what?" His question is answered when my foot hits his manhood. I don't think he's going to be having anymore kids any time soon.... Oops.

"That." Noah says grinning, then high fives me. "Nice one Em...ily!"

"I have a lot more to release. So I suggest all of you leave right now, and never come back!" I yell. Then turn to Dax and Hannah. "Except you two, you're both welcome anytime."

The two don't seem to listen, guess they were told what happened to Keely.

It's just like when the accident happen, I was one of the only people able to keep a hold onto reality. I mean, yeah it's fucked up, but my main anchor is the need to end bitchface's life.

Time for us kids to plan the murder of our least favorite human.

Hey tic tacs

Um.... So basically I hate Kai. Like really hate him. He's a bitch. And I'll have fun writing the epilogue where he dies. Not actually though, which is sad; but I still get to kill him!


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