Chapter 33| River

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I wake up to my phone ringing annoyingly. I open my eyes, seeing my bedroom is completely black except for my alarm clock numbers shining through the darkness. 3:27am. Who the hell is calling.

I grab my phone accepting the call without bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?" I ask rubbing my eyes as I sit up.

"Uh, I have a problem River." I hear Emily cry out, like she's actually crying.

Hearing the love of my life crying wakes me up a bit more. I reach over to my nightstand turning on my lamp.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask, squinting at the sudden brightness.

"I'm sorry I'm calling you so late. I know you value your sleep, and usually have to stay up with Wyatt. But I don't know what to do."

I get off my bed, stumbling a bit as I walk to my dresser pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. "What happened? Where are you? I'm coming."

"I'm in the parking lot of the grocery store like ten minutes from my house. I got kicked out." She lets out a sob, and I start frantically search for my keys. I'm sure they're out in the open but my still half asleep mind just can't find them.

"Kicked out?"

Why the hell would she get kicked out? And is it permanently?

"I fucked up. Big time." She starts crying again, and I rub my eyes searching my desk for my keys, seeing they're under a t-shirt. I stuff them in my pocket going downstairs and slipping my shoes on before going out to my car.

"Ok. I'm on my way." I mumble putting my phone on speaker then tossing it in the passenger side seat. I'm not about to drive while holding a phone. I'm not about breaking the law.

"They didn't let me grab anything! They just tossed me outside and chucked my phone out the window. It hit my ankle, and hurts like a bitch. I don't have any clothes, and toiletries, not even my fucking school textbooks. They just threw me out and said get lost. My dad fucking hit me!" She starts crying again, and I speed up.

Fuck not breaking the law. Emily needs me so I think speeding is currently justified.

It may be an hour walk for me, but it's just a five minute drive, but with my speeding I make it in two minutes. I look around the parking lot and see Emily pacing back and forth.

I jump out of my walk and jog over to her, hanging up my phone. "Emily." I hug her, and she just cries into my neck.

I've never ever seen Emily cry like this. Never. "What the fuck do I do?! Where do I go?"

"With me. Let's go back to my place, you can tell me what happened there."

Emily continues crying, which makes me feel like crying because I already hate when she cries, but her crying like she's in physical pain and completely lost just hits different.

I buckle her in, and drive back to my place. With her just crying the whole time.

I walk her inside, and take her up to my bedroom, not exactly being careful to be quiet. As long as my angel Keely doesn't wake up I don't give a shit. And Keely won't wake up because she's deaf now.

"Ok love, take a breath and try explaining what happened." I say sitting Emily on my bed and a crouch in front of her, holding both of her hands.

"I- I was just eating dinner as usual. And my parents were talking about some shit about some conversation they had with someone about me. I don't remember, and I fucked up by said I was dating you. And they got pissed. There was yelling, and dad sent me up to my bedroom while they decided how to punish me. My dad came to my bedroom a little bit before I called you. He said I had to leave, so I told him I could because I had no where to go. He hit me saying I didn't have a choice and the dragged me downstairs and threw me out." Emily's cries more, turning her head so I can see the bruise setting in on the side of her face.

"And your ankle?" I ask, remembering how she said her phone was thrown at her and hit her ankle.

She holds out the foot which got hit, and I see a bruise setting in there too.

"Ok baby, I've got to get my dad up. You've been hit, it's classified as abuse, and is now a legal matter. Dad will know what to do." I say standing up.

"No! You can't tell your dad! What if they ship me away to some foster home?!" Emily cries grabbing onto my hand.

"Then we'll get you back. My parents have fostered before, you know that. We'll get you back." I kiss her forehead before leaving my bedroom to go get dad up.

We can't handle this in the morning, it'll be too late. This has to be handled now. Having a social worker/therapist dad has taught me a few things.

I creak open my parent's bedroom door and tiptoe in, trying not to wake up mom. Even though that lady sleeps like a log.

I go to dad's side of the bed, gently shaking his shoulder. "Riv?" Dad whispers out in the darkness. The only light seeping in through the bedroom door I left cracked.

"Dad, I need you help." I whisper.

Dad sits up, and even though I can't see his face, I know he's looking at me. "With what son?"

"Emily had a situation at home and got kicked out. She's here now."

Dad immediately gets out of bed, shuffling around his room, probably looking for pants and a shirt, since he sleeps in boxers like most men do.

After moment, dad grabs my shoulders and steers me out of his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"She in your bedroom?"

I nod, so dad and I go to my bedroom, seeing Emily in the exact same spot I left her in, still crying.

I explain what Emily just told me, and dad calls up uncle Easton, who like I've said is a lawyer. Dad always calls up uncle Easton, getting advice on legal matters.

Dad comes back a moment later, explain how two cops and one of his social worker coworkers are going to be here first thing tomorrow morning and they're going to go to dad's office to talk to child protective services, to handle the situation with Emily's parents. And that Emily will most likely be put into a temporary foster home, and that dad's going to try and make the foster family us, but there's no promises on that part.

I just hope of Emily doesn't go to a foster home far from here, she's at least somewhere safe where I can still contact her.

After dad explains all that's going to happen, he lets Emily and I go to sleep as he calls up a few more people, setting up the plan.

Heyo tic tacs

Bet you didn't see that coming. Ha! 2 points me, 12 points my one tic tac. I'm slowly catching up, and I plan to beat you.

I am so unpredictable I can't even predict what's going to happen, which is borderline a problem, because I'm supposed to know what's going to happen

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