Chapter 58| Abbey

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"What? He's already been arrested?! Then what's the fucking point of planning his murder?! I am not breaking him out of prison to kill him, no matter how satisfying that would be."

"Em, I really really want to kill something." River whispers, and Emily hands River a notebook and pencil.

"Draw yourself killing something." Emily says, softly, then slightly turns up the classical music playing in the background.

"Wy, how you holding up?" I ask, glancing back to Wyatt who found his comfort spot under my bed in a cocoon of blankets.

"I am literal seconds away from going on a very murderous rampage." His distant voice says.

"I found a solution!" Noah cries. He's been put in charge of figuring out what to do with the massive hole in the wall caused by River punching it until he broke a finger.

"What's your solution?" Emily asks.

"Just put a picture frame over it!"

"I like your thinking young man!" Emily praises.

I glance over to River just in time to see him snap the pencil in half. "I presume punching the wall more would be idiotic of me?"

"Yes, very idiotic. How about you punch my bed, or pillows." Emily suggests.

"No. I shall remain in the lowest most level, releasing my fiery rage onto an unsuspecting punching bag." River says standing up and walking off.

"You go do that hun! Just don't hurt your finger more!" Emily calls after him.

"Wyatt, you wanna come out yet?" I ask Wyatt.


I blink. "Alrighty."

"Oh, Chris texted, he will be right over." Emily says, looking down at her phone. "He says Mel wants to come, but she's still in the hospital with Mark."

"Still? They've been there for eight whole days! Why are they staying so long?" That sounds like a really long time.

"I dunno, that's more of an adult topic then a kid topic. Probably has to do with the fact Mel had to get surgery to get her placenta removed, and Mark didn't get enough oxygen at the start." Emily says shrugging.

"Holy shit! I forgot I have to push out a fucking third child! Except my placenta leaves a huge gaping hole in my body! Wyatt! What is wrong with you?!"

"Bam! Fixed!" Noah says happily, admiring his work of covering the hole River made.

"Nice job buddy!" Emily says, fist bumping Noah.

"We knew how bad their relationship was! Why didn't we say something?! I'm feeling like a terrible brother right now." Wyatt mumbles.

Noah goes over to my bed, and lays on his stomach, across from Wyatt. "You're not a bad brother Wy. Bad things happen in life. You can't control it. What happened happened, there's no going back and changing things, we just gotta except that it happened and move on."

"Yeah yeah, I know." Wyatt grumbles.

"GUYS! I'M HERE!!!" I hear Chris yell.

"We are all in our bedroom, for the most part!" Emily yells back. "Wyatt, come on, help me plan a fictional murder plan for bitchface. If we can't kill him, might as well dream about it."

"Fine. As long as we plan to throw him in a volcano." Wyatt says then crawls out from under my bed, the same time Chris walks in.

"Hey guys... where Riv?"

"Downstairs punching a punching bag. I'd go have a little brother big brother heart to heart with him, because he's not listening to any of us. He's put a giant hole in the wall, and broke a finger. We duct taped it better though." Emily mumbles.

"Ah shit!" Wyatt suddenly curses. "He knew, didn't he Chris? River knew about it. Or at least something bad was gonna happen. That's why he's been extra cautious the past several days! Holy- fucking- shit!"

Chris frowns. "He mainly figured it out by himself, but a week ago when the whole Kai shebang when down," Chris says referring to how we ran into Kai in public, and he and River started fighting, followed by Kai whisper Qing something into River's ear. "Kai told River he was gonna do something big. I never would have guessed this though."

Wyatt runs a hand through his hair. "River is probably never going to forget this, and probably never going to forgive himself."

"That's where I come in little bro. I'll be in the basement!" And just like that Chris runs off.

"Okie dokie! Who here wants to plan a sacrificial death of Kyle the bitch face?! Two vote for death by volcano!" Emily says.

"Ok. I vote volcano if it's like how the little sharky dies in Madagascar. Because that's funny, and Kyle should burn to death, slowly and painfully, with no ounce of mercy!" Noah says, then giggles. "If I had a spork right now, I'd go stab the bitchface. But, he's behind bars awaiting trial."

"Noah, I love your devious little mind. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's weird or they don't like it, because I fucking love it!" Emily says, making Noah smile.

"Alright! Let's plan bitchfaces death!" Wyatt says happily.

Hola tic tacs. (Spanish for Hello tic tacs)

Sorry the chapters kinda shorter, but I'm making dinner for my family rn, and I feel like updating now, so yeah. Enjoy.


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