Chapter 34| Wyatt

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"Wyatt, you need to clean your bedroom!" Abbey says barging into my home. "Emily's case worker will be here any moment, dropping her off, it needs to be clean!"

I look around my bedroom, confused. It is clean.

"You, are hopeless. I love you, but it's true. You're completely hopeless!" Abbey cries picking up my clothes scattered around my bedroom.

"Wait! I had a system!"

"Wyatt, everything needs to be clean. I'll help you make a new system, one involving your clothes out away."

"That was my clean pile of clothes." I mumble frowning.

"You mean the pile of clothes on the ground?"

I nod. "Yeah!"

"Completely helpless." Abbey repeats shaking her head.

"Psh, your mom is completely helpless."

"She is, seeing as how she's lost all contact with one of her daughters, her favorite daughter in my opinion but it's whatever." Abbey says shrugging.

I look over to my desk, smiling when I see the ultrasounds of my babies. "Awww!!! Dave and Dan my fishies are so cute!"

Abbey groans. "I never agreed to calling them that."

"You don't have to call our children that. But I still am."

Abbey groans, tying her hair up and placing my hamper in my closet and making my bed.

"Wyatt did you clea-" dad stops looking around my bedroom. "Did you seriously make your pregnant fiancée clean your bedroom? Didn't I raise you better?"

"Mom raised me dad." I say patting his shoulder. "She taught me to never do something if you know your significant other will do it for you."

"Oh for fuck's sake what is my wife teaching you kids." Dad groans. "Sugarplum! You raised my children terrible!"

"As if! I raised them great! The corrupted minds came from you my love!!" Mom yells back, making me laugh.

Dad sighs and walks off.

"I'm gonna go find Noah and chill with him because he's the only one who doesn't call our children little fishies." Abbey says walking past me.

I shrug and go to Keely's bedroom, seeing her just laying in bed, staring up at her ceiling, wearing the beanie I gave her.

I climb onto her bed with her, and she doesn't even look away from the ceiling. I look up, seeing the handprints she and Riley made when they were younger. Back when they thought putting hot pink handprints with paint on the ceiling was a great idea.

Mom and dad weren't even mad, they found it adorable. Keely and Riley had jump up her bed to be able to reach the ceiling, making the handprints with their little hands.

Keely holds up her hand, looking at it. Then at the handprint on her ceiling. She huffs letting her hand fall onto her stomach. She only lays there for a moment before sitting up, so I copy her sitting up.

'I miss him.' She signs to me, tears brimming her eyes. 'I miss my best friend.'

Something about the fact she cut ties with him seems fishy, but no one wanted to press any further into it, because it was a touchy subject for Keely. Whether she likes it or not, she was happier with Riley around.

I hug Keely, and she hugs back. We stay hugging, but not for long before River comes busting in.

"Keel-" River stops himself, then curses himself. "She's fucking deaf." He reminds himself then looks back at Keely. 'Noah wants you.' He signs to her slowly, having just become familiar with the signs.

Everyone's picking up sign language quite quickly, and I'm thankful it's not too hard to learn. It's just a lot of remembering things. Which is fun for me, because sometimes I have memory loss due to my depression.

Eh, I'll just relearn it if I forget anything.

Keely slowly gets out of bed, pulling her beanie on her head more. She has some hair growing in, but she has another brain surgery scheduled, because the doctors think they can fix her hearing possibly, so whatever hair she grows will just be shaved off again.

Keely walks light and airy as she leaves her bedroom, off to find Noah. I've noticed how since Keely lost her hearing she walks less confidently if it makes sense. Like she's not quite sure if she should even be walking. Or like she's trying to sneak around.

"Do you think she'll ever talk again?" River asks me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we leave Keely's bedroom heading downstairs.

"I have hope she will. Just like she'll hear again." I mutter, looking in the living room seeing Abbey, Noah, and Keely watching something on the tv.

"I have hope too Wy." River says hugging me.

Hey tic tacs


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