Chapter 56| Abbey

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Dax and his wife Hannah came over for a surprise visit today. Everyone knows about Raven's past family situation. It's not some big secret that Raven is only in contact with three of her family members, her birth dad, step mom, and half brother. The rest of her family doesn't talk with her. Their loss if you ask me, Raven's great!

"River, stop glaring at the tv. It's just a movie." Emily says to River, who's been in a sour mood since his parents wouldn't let him stalk Keely and Kai's date. Smart move in their part, because I'm pretty sure River would've killed Kai.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Stop being annoying before I fucking punch you." River grumbles. For some reason he keeps saying these 'love poems' to Emily, which aren't even lovey. Half the time it's just him insulting her in a way that rhymes. He's like the worst cheesy romantic there is out there, but Emily loves it for some reason.

Wyatt is an actual romantic. He's just the absolute best. Not that I'm comparing their relationship to ours....... But I totally am. Ours is better.

"Here you go my love, a ham and cheese sandwich as requested." Wyatt says sitting next to me and handing me a plate.

"River, take some notes. See that? That's what I want." Emily says motioning to Wyatt and I.

"No. You aren't getting the man my brother is, you're getting me."

Emily shrugs.

The doorbell suddenly starts ringing, repeatedly, and River quickly gets annoyed answers it right as Tyler was going to answer it. And since the couch is placed in such a way where I can see the front door, I look over to see who's here.

"What's your problem-" River stops short when he finally sees who's behind the door. "W-what are you all doing here?"

River's blocking the door, so none of us kids can see, because we're all looking now.

"River, don't be rude." A middle aged man's voice says.

Wyatt stiffens from besides me. "Wy, who is it?" I ask.

"That sounds like Zane. Mom's half brother. And if River said 'What are you all doing here?' that has to mean there's more of them."

"Oh no." That's bad. Raven's family wasn't supposed to be able to find her.

"Brb, I need to tell dad and mom!" Wyatt whispers and runs off. I glance to Emily, who gets up.

"Need help up?" She asks me, walking over to me.

"Em, I am twenty-two weeks pregnant, not thirty. I can get up on my own still." I say waving a hand and try getting up, only to realize I can't. "Never mind. I need your help."

Emily snorts and gives me her hand. We've definitely gotten closer since the both of us have moved in, and share the same bedroom. There's still times we stay up late, just talking about our problems, or anything really. It's nice, she's like my sister, the only one who actually talks to me.

It's almost depressing in a way to look back at the start of junior year, where I had spent most of my summer with my mother, Eleanor, Jonathan, and Sherri and Alan earlier; now my family doesn't even bother talking to me and Alan's passed away. Funny what a simple little pregnancy will do.

As soon as I stand up, Tyler comes walking through the room quickly, getting to the door, making River move.

"I wanna listen in!" Emily whispers and pulls me closer.

"Ah, Tyler, the fucktard." The middle aged man says.

"What do you guys want?" Tyler asks, sounding annoyed.

Raven and Dax pass through as well, paying no attention to Emily and I eavesdropping.

"Just wanted to know why in the world my shithead brother would come to his shithead half sister to tell her all about his wife's pregnancy, before telling us?!"

Tyler clears his throat. "I'm sorry, are you fucking stupid? First off, do not call my wife a shithead, unless you want to get absolutely fucked up; second off, Raven has been the nicest most caring sister to Daxton you or your sorry ass siblings could ever wish to be; third off, get the hell out of my sight before I call the police on you, this is private property."

"Damn, Tyler is my type of man!" Emily cheers quietly, causing me to slap her, getting her to shut up.

"Excuse me," Tyler says glancing back at all of us crowded around the front door, then steps outside closing the door behind him.

"How in the world did they find you?!" Dax says throwing his hands up in the air. "We've taken precautionary measures to make sure you aren't found, by those- those- people! Or the fucking psychopath Steven!" Dax looks directly at Raven, grabs her shoulders, and says, "How the hell did they find you!"

"I don't know Dax, but it's fine. I happen to know for a fact Tyler can handle it. For now, why don't you and Hannah just chill out in the kitchen or something, while I watch Tyler through the window?"

"What?! No! You haven't seen Zane recently! Ever since his second wife divorced him, he's been worse then mom and dad!" Dax says, waving his arms around like crazy.

"You're right, but I think I can handle my half siblings. I've handled much more before, so it'd be totally lame to let this win over me." Raven says waving her hand in dismissal, then turns to the crowd of kids that have formed. "You five, upstairs. In the off chance they make it inside, which-" Raven peeks out the window, "will happen sometime soon, I'd feel much more comfortable if you were upstairs and remained upstairs until they've left. Understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Wyatt says, saluting to his mother. "Oh wait, can I bring some snacks upstairs? My love might get hungry, Dave and Dan eat a lot."

"Wyatt, the boys have names. Nolan and Alan. You don't need to call them Dave and Dan anymore." I remind Wyatt.

"Yes, I don't. But they will always be Dave and Dan to me."

I sigh. Whatever. I give up with him. At least he's able to be out of bed and joking around, even if he's still struggling hard.

"Ok, upstairs quickly please. I'm about to let the hounds in." Raven says, and Noah giggles.

"Can I call my siblings hounds?"

"No. This is different. Mommy's siblings are crazy. Yours aren't so crazy."

Noah pouts and goes upstairs, River following close behind, and then Emily,  while she continues to drag my behind her, leaving Wyatt to quickly gather snacks.

This will be a fun little late afternoon reality tv show. I've never personally seen how Raven's siblings are, but judging from the stories I've heard, and Wyatt and River's expressions right now, things are about to get crazy. And I don't think in a good way.

이봐 틱택스 :) (Korean for Hey tic tacs:))

I know not too many chapters away I said like ten chapters tops till the book ends, well I'm not sure, but I may have been wrong. Don't quote me on that later though, if the ending is longer than ten chapters. Idk but it may be coming a bit sooner.

Also, I just have to say, I'm really happy right now! I've gotten in contact with a handful of the people I met and connected with on my little trip out of country! And it's so much easier to get back into a routine where I'm not left without my Dominican family! It's also much easier to get motivated to write when I'm not all miserable missing my family I had to leave behind.

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