Chapter 38| Wyatt

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"Mom, how is this a field trip?" I ask mom as she drives Abbey, and I go to the doctors office, for Abbey's third ultrasound. Abbey's now around 9 and a half weeks. I can't wait to see Dave and Dan my fishies today.

"Because I said so, consider this your health class for the day." Mom says, parking the car.

Mom being the awesome mom she is, gave up her great job of stay at home mom, who bugs her husband 24/7, to a teacher for two whole high school grades. Juniors and a freshman!

But I'm all honesty, my respect for mom, which was already a lot, just increased when she said she's homeschool Abbey, Keely, and I. Abbey said she didn't want to go to school while pregnant, and I said I'd like to give up public school for her too and also I'd want to be homeschooled for when the babies come so I can be a better parent. And of course, Keely's deaf, so public school right now isn't the best option. On the bright side, the brain surgeon said that during her last brain surgery, they put the implants in so that if and when Keely's brain fully heals from the trauma of the car accident, hearing aids will most likely be an option.

So in other words, MY SISTER PROBABLY WON'T BE DEAF THE REST OF HER LIFE!!! And that makes me so happy!!

"Hey Abbey, look at this!" I say opening a magazine and shoving it in her face. It's some model she thinks is pretty.

"Yeah yeah, cool. I'd rather not look at this actual." Abbey says closing it and placing it on my lap.

I frown, realizing why.

Stupid fucking Dick.

Good thing we aren't going back to public school, so she'll never have to see him again.

I lean my head against Abbey's shoulder as I play cooking Mama on my phone. Downside of going to the doctors, is the waiting. It sucks. I would just like to see Dave and Dan my fishies, make sure they're healthy and stuff, and move on with life.

"Hey Abbey, does it feel weird?" I ask, I can't imagine having two humans growing inside of me. And then literally pee them out, that has got to hurt.

"Does what feel weird?" She asks, running her fingers through my hair.

"Being pregnant? Do you share like the same thoughts as our babies? Do you speak telepathically?!"

"What? No. We can't speak telepathically. They're their own humans Wyatt, just like how we can't read each other's minds or share the same thoughts and crap. And I haven't thought about it much, but yeah. I guess it does feel weird growing babies." She shrugs, and continues petting my head like I'm a little kitty cat.

"Hey, you know how married people, or engaged people in this case, sometimes get pets? To like share and raise together? Can we get a dog?!"

"No. We can't get a dog Wyatt. Tyler's allergic, and we're going to be raising children soon enough."

"We can get a poodle, they're hypoallergenic. Or let dad live in misery, either works. And dogs and babies are like the same thing."

"Like the same thing...? Oh my gosh, I'm marrying an idiot." Abbey sighs. "A dog is an animal Wyatt, and babies are humans. We can't get a dog, and they certainly aren't like the same."

I frown, picking my head off her shoulder. "Fine. Happy wife = happy life."

"We aren't married." Abbey says shaking her head and snorting a bit.

"Fine. Happy fiancé = happy Beyoncé."


"It's the only thing that rhymes with fiancé! You made me resort to that!" I say throwing my hands up. "Pregnant ladies are so cute, adorable, and lovable, but also are no fun."

Before Abbey can say anything we get called back. I casually do my happy dance as we walk, because Dave and Dan my fishies are just so cute, and I can't wait to see them again!

"Mom, excited to see my Dave and Dan my fishies?" I ask her, doing the robot while Abbey sits on the weird chair table.

"Your what?"

"His Dave and Dan my fishies. What he decided to name our children." Abbey says sighing. "Wyatt, stop doing the robot."

"Never!" I say, and being even more extra with my robot, just for Abbey. I know she loves it, who can't love it?

"What if they're both girls?" Mom asks.

"Dave and Dan are the world's best girl names ever!" I say, switching to Michael Jackson now. "Hehe."

"Oh my gosh, Wyatt, please stop. I love you baby, but this has got to stop." Abbey whines.

I frown, stopping mid moon walk. "Whatever. Haters gonna hate."

Dr. McCormick comes, and chats a bit with mom, and moves on with the ultrasound.

I clap my hands excitedly when I see my Dave and Dan fishies show up on the screen, only to stop and realize, they don't like like fishies anymore.

"Awww! What happened to my Dave and Dan fishies?"

"Did you think they'd stay like the whole time Wyatt?" Abbey asks.

I nod. Why can't she give birth to fishies?

"They have to grow Wyatt. If I give birth to them now, they wouldn't be able to live." Abbey says, then looks at mom. "Maybe we should cover what pregnancy is, I think someone didn't pay attention in 9th grade health class."

I cross my arms. "I did pay attention, mostly. I just had other things to deal with." Aka double depression. Which totally sucks ass if I must say so. I can't tell you how much of my childhood I've lost to it.

Ever heard of a majorly depressed 8yr. old? Yeah, neither did anyone else. But it's fine, I just move past it. And then try to never ever think about it.

I look back at the screen, and immediately my sadness about my fishies vanishes.

"They look like baby Megaminds!!" If we could see ultrasounds in color, they'd definitely be blue. "Dave and Dan my Megaminds!!"

I love them! And Abbey! And my mom! But I love Dave and Dan my Megaminds more then the both of them. Not that they will ever know.

Hello tic tacs:)

Every time I write about Wyatt's Dave and Dan my fishies, now Megaminds, I always imagine his Dave baby as a duck. Because I have a duck named Dave, and I'm pretty sure Dave is actually a girl duck, it's still a bit too early to tell though. But I just find it funny, I imagine an actual baby, and then just a duck. I love it.

Also I'm currently painting my nails while writing, and I smudged one of my nails, and literally screamed for some reason. And my little sister (I share a room with her and she's watching a show on her tablet) looked at me and asked if a demon had possessed me for a second. And my older brother (who was in his bedroom right next to ours with his door open) just started laughing so hard. Random I know, but I get extra word vomit-y when I'm in a good mood.

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