Chapter 1- my friends

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I walk to school with Jax everyday. Well, we do live together. I pass by Lucas' house on the way but he's always already on his way or at the school. Me and Jax usually talk about something random like if snakes go pee or something.
"Hey" Jax said on his way up the stairs. He lives in my basement.
"Hey!" I replied giving him a peck on his cheek.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah" I replied. After that we head out the door and have a nice conversation on our way to schoo
I always love talking to Jax because I feel like he really listens. He's always very sweet and will do anything to make sure I'm happy. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Well its hard. Lucas is very nice too, I just don't think he likes me
back. Plus, he has a girlfriend "Serena". Shes the most popular, pretty girl in school who everyone top it all of, she has to be extremely nice too. I mean, who wouldn't love her?
"Hey Lucas!" I yelled making a fool of myself running down the hall.
"Hey" he said back. Lucas never has much to say. He never really shows emotion. This scares me because he can be extremely mad at me and I wouldn't know it until the day he explodes into a big explosion if anger. Lucas is my second crush- and I know I shouldn't be crushing on other guys while i have a boyfriend but i can't help it! Lucas is so amazing in every way. But so is Jax. I just can't choose.
My next stop before class was to see Daniella. Danny is technically my friend. We have an on off relationship.
"Hi" I said politely as she put her books away in her locker.
"Sup" she said back to me not looking up. Daniella was in Love with Lucas. She would do anything, and i mean ANYTHING for him. Shes a bit insane too.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, nothing interesting. Thank god its Friday. I just can't wait until Monday to be in math class with Lu- Jax again.

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