Chapter -7 What?!

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Of course I don't Freaking understand!! One day shes all happy and cuddling against me and the next day she breaks up with me?! WHAT?! Girls are insane.
I went downstairs into the basement i lived in to brush my teeth when I looked in the mirror and realized i was very red. Was I like this in front of Bella?! What a man I am. Suddenly I felt on the verge of tears.
"Men don't cry" I said biting my lip fighting back tears. Seriously Jax? You and Bella have been dating for like a month or two. Get over it!
Sleeping was obviously, very hard. All I could think about was why. Why would she break up with me? What did I do to her. I felt like we were happy together. Should I ask her. Is that rude? I felt like my mind was going to explode into a frenzy of questions! Ugh. I started to get a migraine from thinking to much.

The next morning I walked into the kitchen full of fear. I was shaking slightly, but I got over it. Bella was sitting at the counter on her phone texting Lucas. Should I ask her? I feel like of she really wanted me to know she would have told me. I didn't want to bring up the subject again and make it akward, but i had to. I needed to.

"Hey Bella?" I asked. She looked up at me smiling.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked again.
"Sure" she said, still looking up.
"Why did you break up with me?"

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