Runaway Royalty

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I sat up immediately in my bed and looked around. It was the same room with it's golden walls and row of huge windows,  couches, and king sized bed with gold sewn into the blankets. 

"Rose!!" I looked at the double doors.

"Come in!" I grumbled.

"Really Rose!" Anne, my favorite maid rushed in and frowned at me still in my pj's.

"We only have an hour to get ready for lunch with the Pope" Anne frowned and pulled me out of the bed and I followed her down the hall. We stopped at the make up room and I let them plaster my face in makeup then someone pulled and yanked my hair into a perfectly smooth bun, then Anne put a small tiara on it and pulled me into a baby blue dress, it was pretty but dresses aren't my type of thing.

"Done" Anne smiled and then rushed me to the small dining hall. I walked in confidently although I had only just woken up moments ago. I sat beside my mother who sat across from the pope and my father was sitting at the end of the table.

"Good Afternoon Princess Rose" The pope smiled at me and I politely smiled back.

"Good Afternoon" With my attendance at the table we started eating.

"Back to our discussion King Richard" The pope turned to my father and continued their conversation. Typically dinner guests were more interested in communicating with my father than having any sort of conversation with me or my mother. Once I had finished my food I called a waiter to take it back and I neatly put my hands in my lap. The waiter brought me my tea soon and I softly sipped the warm herbal liquid.

"Princess Rose are you anticipating your eighteenth birthday" The Pope turned to me.

"Yes, I am, turning eighteen is a large step in my life and one that I am looking forward to"

"I assume you are going to receive some very large gifts this year" The Pope chuckled and nodded to the waiter to bring him his tea.

"I hope so, but I still remain thankful for what I already have" I sipped the tea again. Although I try to be authentic with what I say it all just sounded like pretty lies to me. I only hoped it sounded better to them. 

"It's good to hear that you always remain humble" the Pope smiled and turned to my father again. I thought about my birthday tomorrow, I couldn't wait! There will be huge celebrations.  Miva, where we live, is a small island off the coast of England,  although a small island we never felt truly isolated. The people here were good hearted, the island had virtually no crime what so ever.

"I must take my leave" The Pope stood up and bowed. They must have just finished speaking and my father was walking with him to the doors.

"Goodbye sir" I smiled a waved goodbye. After the door had closed my mother started walking to the study room so I walked to the balcony on the 4th floor. It was a warm afternoon and the marble of the balcony felt cool on my feet as I took off my heels. I leaned on the edge overlooking the huge garden, I could spend hours out here looking at the beautiful trimmed lawn and the ocean just a little ways in the distance.

"Princess Rose?" a voice whispered. I turned around to see a young boy about 10 looking at me, he looked like one of our many waiters and was dressed as one.

"Yes" I smiled at him. He intertwined his fingers and swayed.

"Anne told me to tell you that there is someone in the parlor waiting for you" The boy blushed as I told him thank you and kissed his cheek then walked to the parlor. 

"Rose?" a gentleman stood up, he was about my age with back air that was straight. He was wearing a suit befitting for a prince.

"Princess Rose" He sighed as he bowed in front of me.

"My apologies, I'm here to discuss plans for your party" He smiled but I didn't, something about the way he stood and the arrogance that surrounded him put me in a sour mood.

"Discuss it with my mother, I told her to surprise me. She's in the dining hall, Anne will show you" I pointed to Anne and walked away.

"Well then" I heard his mumble from behind me. I guess I could have been nicer about that but I didn't like the vibe he put out it was as if he had gotten everything he ever wanted his whole life and I was the very first person to not give him the time of day. I walked to my room and sat on the edge of the bed. I turned on the TV and pulled out my guitar world hero and jammed.

"Welcome to the Jungle!!" I sang loudly to the song and smiled as I hit every note on easy level because lets face it i'm no expert. The music was pumping until i heard the door click and my mother walk in.

"Turn it down Rose!" She yelled.

"Sorry" I turned it way down and gave a weak smile as she stormed out. I waited patiently for her to leave down the hallway then I jammed out again.


I slipped on my heels again and fixed my hair. Then I walked to the dining hall and sat beside my mother. We ate in silence the three of us. We were having a chef specialty and the array of dishes on the table suggested we were feeding an entire room of people. I ate it delicately, like a princess should or at least how I was taught I should. After I finished I excused myself and went to my room. I laid on my bed and pulled out a book, Pretty Little Liars. Soon I drifted to sleep and dreamed about tomorrow.

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