Chapter 14

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I waited patiently for Cooper. He was still getting his gear ready after at least 45 minutes.

"Are you ready yet!?"I whined.

"Not yet" he yelled to me.

"Can you please hurry!"

 After another agonizing 5 minutes Cooper ran out the door with me and we sped to the field. We had been separated into three teams of two. Of course Cooper was my teammate. Luke and Carter paired up and Mike and Jake paired up. We started at different ends of this field covered in hay bales and other things to hide behind. The guy blew the whistle and I ran in, it was just like call of duty! I could so do this, we had three white armbands and if we were shot then we had to take one off. Simple rules so i went in and hid behind bales creeping closer to the opposite edge of the field, Cooper was watching my back, I glanced around my right corner and just about got blue paint in my face but I ducked back in time so either Carter or Luke was aiming for me. My adrenaline was pumping so fast, I was scared but so excited at the same time.

"Cooper put your gun up like this" I showed him how to make it look like you were about to pop out and showing them that you were still there. I got on my belly and squeezed against the edge of the bale, I saw Luke barley to the side and shot him right in the leg.

"Damn!" He yelp when the paint hit him. Cooper chuckled behind me and I smiled. It felt good to prove to him that I could do this. I moved to another bale and gestured for Cooper to come but he put his gun up and shot straight at me, I ducked and heard someone grunt from behind me. I whipped around to see Jake grabbing his chest where Coopers Green paint had hit him. I ran to another bale a few more meters up and looked for Cooper to follow but I couldn't see him, I heard a shot near me and jumped but it was somewhere else. I ducked around the corner but hit someones leg and fell on top of them, I panicked and looked to see who it was. It was Carter and he was smirking as he had his gun pointed at my ass. I was laying diagonal on his lap on my belly.

"Carter" I growled warningly.

"Sorry love" He shot my ass and I jumped way up.

"Ouch!" I yelped and tackled him as he was trying to get up. I tried to reach for my gun that he had knocked out of my hands but we were just a few inches too far. We wrestled a bit and finally I got my gun but just then someone had their gun pointed at my neck. I glanced to see Luke smiling. I frowned and stood up.

"Take the band off and run" Luke laughed. I took the band off and ran back to where Cooper might be. But he was gone. I glanced around softly whispering his name but he was gone. I sighed and aimed my gun for a few bales away, luckily I saw Mike and shot him in the gut, he looked around and I waved before ducking again. This was so fun! It's like a real life call of duty! I saw a glimpse of someone not so far away. I took a look around and saw the coast was clear so I ran full speed at the person but they ducked behind a bale so I ran faster and jumped over and spun as I shot at the person, I landed on my knees! With my mouth open wide I looked at Luke.

"Wasn't that awesome! That was so cool!! Did you see that!? Huh! That was like matrix or something!" I squealed. Luke laughed hysterically and pointed at me right when Carter popped out from the other side and shot my ass again as I was getting up.

"Jeeze!" I stuck my tongue out and aimed for him right when the whistle blew. I looked up and when I looked back towards Carter he kissed me, I jerked back suddenly and blushed.

"Sorry beautiful, couldn't help myself" He smirked obviously pleased with himself.

"Sure you are" I  trudged off, I hope he couldn't see me blushing. I looked around for Cooper and found him talking to Mike.

"Where were you!?" I poked his arm as I walked up beside him.

"I was looking for you!" He smiled "How did you do?"

"Great! I can't believe you didn't have faith in me" I smirked.

"Yeah she was actually really good" Mike smirked.

"I see someone got you though" Cooper glanced at my butt.

"Ask Carter about that" I laughed.

"I think I will if him and Luke ever find their way back" Cooper glanced down the field as Carter and Luke were walking back laughing about something.

"Where do I change?" I asked Cooper.

"With me and Luke" Carter slung his arm around my shoulder and Cooper frowned.

"Yeah, I don't think so" I shrugged his arm off and let Cooper hold my hand and lead me to the changing rooms in the building. Once inside Cooper slowed down and we walked slowly across the nearly empty building.

"Sorry about Carter he's kind of a man-whore, probably not a good idea to introduce him" Cooper said sternly.

"It's okay, I can handle it" I smiled and slipped into the changing rooms. I took off the gear and got on my plain v-neck black t-shirt and skinny jeans, I put my silver flats on and left my hair in a high pony tail. I looked for my purse but I had accidentally kicked it under the stall into the one beside me. I stepped out and saw the door was cracked open so i assumed no one was in there. I slid in and gasped when I saw Cooper without a shirt on, putting something in his pocket.

"Hey" He smirked.

"sorry, I didn't know you were in purse slipped in here" I blushed and looked away.

"Probably my fault for not closing the door all the way" He laughed and gently pulled my arm. I looked at him and smiled back, I glanced in the corner where my purse was laying. I picked it up and almost walked out. I fought back a smile and turned around to look at him again.

"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

"One thing before I leave, since you don't have a shirt on or anything" I walked up to him and ran my hand down his chest and down his six pack. I smiled really big and sauntered out, I heard him laugh as I walked out and shut the door. Hope that boosted his ego a little bit because i've always wanted to do that!

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