Chapter 22

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Rose's Wedding Dress--------------->

The guys were staying for the wedding, Cooper told me that my parents already knew and were okay with it. We were getting married in the chapel my parents went to church in. It was a gorgeous place, the ceilings graced with golden paintings of angels and the main room big enough for entire orchestra's. I was getting ready in my room with people running around me making minor changes to my hair and makeup. My dress fit me perfectly and I thought I looked wonderful. I was nervous though, I was actually terrified. But i tried to be confident as my father came into my room.

"Are you ready honey" He looked older then I remembered. I shook my head.

"At least promise me, whatever you decide to do please don't forget about your mother and me, i don't want to give you away but i knew you wouldn't be mine forever. These past few weeks have rushed by us and I've been scared, stressed, angry, and then happy. I just want you to be happy too sweetie" My dad had tears at his eyes.

"It will be okay daddy, Cooper will take good care of me" I smiled.

"I know he will, because if he doesn't i'm going to rip his throat out" He smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I love you daddy" I hugged him and he hugged me. I took his arm and we walked to the doors, it was time, it was the moment I knew would be coming. My mother got married at 18 and said that although she was terrified she was never more sure of anything and thats exactly how I felt.

~30 minutes later~

Everyone was finally ready, all the news cameras we're here and so was every newspaper worker on the island. I heard the music start playing and the doors opened to reveal Cooper and the guys standing at the alter. I gripped my fathers arm tighter and took deep breaths trying to calm myself. When Cooper looked up into my eyes it was like the fears washed away. I walked with confidence in front of Cooper, he took my hands and said his vow

"Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, nurturing you, and being there for you in all life has for us and I vow to be true and faithful as long as we both shall live" Cooper smiled and I was starting to cry again. But it was my turn so I tried to swallow my tears and I spoke mine.

"Today is a very special day, long ago you were just a dream and a prayer.

thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promise of God.

I will care for you and honor you.

I lay down my life for you, I love you" Cooper's eyes sparkled and the preacher continued.

"I do" I whispered.

"I do" Cooper smiled.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Cooper pulled me to him and kissed me. He pulled away and brushed away a tear.

"No need to cry, i'm here and this is real" He whispered. I smiled and we walked hand in hand down the isle as the whole church erupted in cheers.

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