Chapter 10

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Max dropped me off at Coopers, the door was locked so I knocked on the door softly but no one answered. I rang the doorbell and I finally got an answer. I heard someone flip the locks.

"It's open" Cooper called. But he didn't sound normal. I walked in slowly, careful of each step but Cooper wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. I walked upstairs and found him in his room. He was laying on his bed. I watched him gently shake, although he wasn't facing me I knew something was wrong.

"Cooper" I took only one step in the room "Are you okay?"

I didn't get an answer but he didn't ask me to leave either.

"Cooper, whats wrong?" I sat behind him on the bed and touched his back.

"Nothing" he mumbled.

"Something is wrong, do you want to talk about it?" I watched him slowly turn over. His eyes were pink and puffy, his face was on the brink of being red and he looked just so fragile. He had been crying before I had ever arrived home.

"What happened?" I whispered as i ran my fingers along his cheek.

"My sister, she's been sick for awhile but she got diagnosed today. She has cancer." 

"It'll be okay" I slowly ran my hand through his hair.

"No it won't" I watched another tear fall down his cheek.

"You can't think like that"

"You have to say it will be okay but deep down we both know it won't, she's going to go through chemo but the doctor told her the chances were very slim. Nothing will be okay, so we might as well stop lying"

"Just believe it will all be okay, miracles do happen" I smiled at him and held him closer. 

"Thank you" Cooper had shut his eyes.

"for what?" 

"for being here" He closed his eyes but i stayed still, smiling down knowing that even though I was fragile so was he. We were two delicate people living our lives as if we were invincible. 


Heyyyyyy people!

Sorry i didn't post earlier but we are moving and wow! moving is alot of work anyway thanks for supporting!

Book of the day~ Willingly

by: AEfannumber1


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