Chapter 20

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Cooper and I spent almost every minute if not with each other then at least near each other. Time seemed to go too fast though. I called my mother last night and she begged me to come home, she warned that if I didn't come back soon then she would send the guards to get me again. Her exact words were you can't runaway forever. That night I couldn't relax, not even with Cooper sleeping softly beside me. It had only been 2 weeks how could I go home now?! Cooper kissed my forehead, and looked at me sleepily.

"Whats wrong?" He murmured and wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm just a bit stressed" I frowned.

"About what?" He burrowed his face in my neck.

"I have to go home soon" I ran my hand along his side.

"Then i'll go with you" 

"But you have a life here, you can't just pick up and leave it" I bit my lip expecting him to change his mind.

"you're my life now" He sighed and snuggled against me. I took a tiny gasp and smiled, I was close to tears. This amazing guy, loves me and I love him too. I can't believe this is happening to me, I thought girls in the movies were the only ones who could find love this perfect. I laid my head on Coopers and slowly fell asleep dreaming about what the future could possibly bring.

The plane was loading up and of course Cooper was lounging around and being slow. It took awhile for me to convince my parents to let me fly on a normal airplane, but eventually they caved in. Finally Cooper caught up to me and we walked hand in hand to first class. The plane ride was incredibly boring but I played with Coopers hand for awhile before pulling out the notebook and pencils Cooper bought me. I sketched a sunset and beach. We arrived home within a few hours after I put up the sketch book and Cooper and I filed out hand in hand in front of the other passengers. We met the driver and he drove us down the path to the mansion. Once I walked inside I was greeted by Ann.

"Rose!" She smiled warmly and hugged me. Cooper smiled and Ann pulled him in the hug too.

"You've come just in time for dinner! Be in the normal dining room in 5 minutes" She smiled and hurried off. I smirked and pulled Cooper along behind me, I led him up the grand staircase, down the east hallway, through the last door on the left, and into my room.

"What are you going to do to me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"How did you know I was thinking up something" I smiled. I reached for the phone and called Emile. Emile dresses my dad, he fits his tuxedos, does tailoring, and basically everything else. Emile came in and took Coopers measurements after I convinced Cooper that Emile wasn't trying to feel him up. Emile got a suit and tailored it a bit and got it to Cooper.

"Hurry and change" I pushed him to my bathroom, we had about two minutes before my parents would send someone to escort us. I changed into a little red dress that went to my knees. Cooper came out and we rushed to the dining hall, just on time.

"Mother, father" I smiled and greeted them. They looked annoyed as they glanced at Cooper who was very nervous but hiding it well.

"Rose, we missed you honey" My mother directed it towards me but she watched Cooper as he took a seat beside me.

"I missed you too" I smiled coldly and started eating my food. Cooper didn't eat much he somewhat pecked at it. I felt a little guilty that I brought him along, knowing he was probably very uncomfortable.

"So what do you do for a living Corden?" My father absent-mindedly looked at his food then up at Cooper.

"It's Cooper sir, and I worked at a restaurant in the city, I was kitchen manager" Cooper looked at my dad then at his food.

"That's interesting but no good copper" My dad frowned.

"I've started online classes to get a degree in business" Cooper tried to be as polite as possible. "My names Cooper, sir"

"Oh so you're doing classes from a COMPUTER" My dad smirked evilly.

"Father" I growled warningly as I looked at him. Father was still glancing at his food and mother just sat stiff.

"Yes, I'll  have a masters degree in business when it's finished" Cooper looked at my father.

"You're looney if you think thats enough to convince me that you're good enough for my daughter" My dad chuckled and smiled evilly again.

"Dad!" I slammed my fist on the table and mother jumped.

"Rose, I can't believe you'd bring him here! You just show up with him and expect that he is welcome here!" All of the feelings my father had bottled up since we walked in came flooding out. 

"I thought you might be a decent human being and at least try to accept him, but now I realize that was far too much to ask for" I stood up shoving my plate and drink across the table.

"ACCEPT HIM! You ran away! you found somebody who was the first person to be nice to you and you latched on. He is a phase Rose! When you grow up you'll know what love is and know that this isn't it" My fathers voice was so stern and loud it still made me frightened but I was too stubborn to back down now. 

"This is real, I wouldn't expect you to know real love even if it was right in front of your fucking face" I grabbed Cooper's arm and hauled him out of the room. 

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