Chapter 7

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"You find some things?" Cooper pulled up in front of me.

"Yeah, i got some clothes and an IPhone"

"Cool, so we have the rest of the night do you want to see a movie or get dinner?" He looked at me and waited for the old blue car in front of us to back out. I looked down and thought about a movie. I've only seen them in my own bedroom but I didn't know much about theaters.

"Okay a movie sounds great" I looked out of the window. The parking lot was filled with small and huge trucks and cars alike. I picked up my phone and started texting Krista so she would have my number.

Hey girl  it's Alex!- I typed slowly. She responded back within seconds.

Hey Alex!

How are you?- I looked at the screen like i was expecting something great to happen, but Cooper interrupted me.

"Already got a number!? Who ya textin?" He glanced over at me.

"My new friend Krista"

Great! I love my new hair do, what about you?

I like mine too but I have to go Krista, sorry i didn't know the movie place was this close- I locked the phone and got out of the car. 

 Cooper bought us tickets then lead us into a big room with a heavy smell of butter. I considered that if he bought the tickets is he considering this a date? 

"1 small popcorn" Cooper ordered. I smirked at the kid behind the counter, he had short black hair and a severe problem with acne but he still stared at me as if I was the one checking him out. Finally we got into a stuffy theatre where the lights had already dimmed and the movie started. Red Riding Hood. A bit of a cliche movie but I wasn't about to leave the theatre and be that rude.


"Did you like it?" Cooper smiled at me as we walked out of the theatre.

"I did I never expected that ending" I giggled.

"Hey can we get some food?" I gave Cooper the puppy eyes and he laughed.

"Sure" he drove us down a few heavily trafficked streets then stopped at a place called Parrn, by the looks of the outside it was attempting to be taken for a tuscan eatery. I shrugged my shoulders and walked inside with him. Once we were sat down, Cooper and I gossiped about the movie and the funny looking kid at the popcorn counter. I ordered this gourmet mac and cheese, Cooper ordered some sandwich. We ate mostly in silence except for the occasional burst of laughter from the people around us. 

"So where are you from?" Cooper asked while pushing his empty plate to the side.

"I'm from England, or close to it"

"That explains the accent" he chuckled "So why are you in Atlanta?"

"Im a bit of a runaway or I like to call it taking a personal holiday"

"Runaway? are you some sort of mastermind criminal?" 

"No" We both laughed and I glanced at him like he was delusional " Just running away from home"

"Were things that bad?"

"They weren't that bad to begin with but some recent changes were going to make it very bad so i'm on a sort of break, ill go back but when i'm ready"

"Well, how did you get to Georgia? Your family move here?"

"I flew overnight, my family is still in England, what about you? You've been asking me all these questions what about you? where's your family?"

"My family is from Texas, my parents still live in Austin, but I moved here"

"Why Atlanta?"

"I wanted to be in a band, Max and I grew up together, his dad is our manager and told us to come out here where his office is and try around the city, we've been trying to make music but it's been hard to get gigs" Cooper sighed and waived the waiter over.

Once we finished and Cooper paid the check we were finally at his home. I plopped on the couch and shuffled through my bags.

"Did you get anything good?" Cooper watched me combining everything together.

"I guess so, but the mall didn't have a channel store" I frowned I loved Channel, it was one of the few brands I recognized from the states.

"Well I hope you still found some good things" He chuckled. I excused myself and slipped into my room. I picked up the bag from Victorias Secret and shuffled around for my new undies. I found then and changed quickly. I stepped in front of the wall where the full mirror was hanging, the undies matched my black lace bra well and although I had my doubts when buying them, they looked good.

"Whoa!" Cooper gasped. I turned to face him. Dang it! I've got to remember to lock the dang door! So I just stood there looking at Cooper as his eyes wandered every inch of my mostly exposed body. I finally snapped out of the shock and slammed the door in his face.

"Oh!" I grabbed a new shirt i had laid out and covered myself.

"uh sorry yeah uh" Cooper mumbled quickly through the door.

 I put the t-shirt on and some shorts, then walked to his room. I knocked on the door.

"Yeah" he called and I walked in. His room was a navy blue and had pictures along the wall.

"I just wanted to say I had good night, glad I could get to know you a little more" I smiled and sat beside him on his bed.

"Um about seeing you, uh i really am sorry, I did't mean to make things super weird" he gave a weak smile and nervously rubbed his wrist.

"Oh it's fine" i waved it off and started getting up.

"Good night Alex" he called as I shut the door. I whisked out my phone as soon as i got to my room.

Had tons of fun at the movies! see ya later, Goodnight 

Goodnight Alex!

I laid on my bed and tried to sleep but i was disturbed, something didn't feel right. I quickly pushed the feeling aside and let dreams wander free, but the impending bad thoughts scratched at the edge of my brain like a nightmare that wanted to let me know it was there but wouldn't quite come out of the shadows.


Okay! Book of today is

The End

By: TheAngelNutter

:) I'll see all your pretty faces soon!

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