Part 1

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You rearrange your medicines in your cupboard, humming. You hear someone shouting and your eyebrows draw. You run to the door and pull it open. Your eyes widen as you see Fili dragging Kili towards your house. "Y/N, you need to help Kili!" Fili screams frantically. You run out to meet them and help Fili drag Kili into your house. "What happened?" You ask. "We were in the forest when we were attacked by Orcs. An Orc sliced his sword against Kili's stomach." Fili explains as he sets Kili on your kitchen table. Kili screams, his eyes wild and delirious. "Get his shirt off." You command, filling up a basin with water. Fili obeys and you walk to the edge of the table. You pale at the extent of the wound. "The couldn't of just done this by itself. His skin is curling away like it's on fire." You say hoarsely. You look up at Fili, who's pale. "Was it a poisonous blade?" You ask. He shakes his head slowly. "I don't know." He whispers. You take a deep breath, overwhelmed. "I don't know if I can help him." You say. "What!" Fili exclaims. "You have to! He's going to die, Y/N." He says. "I want to Fili, believe me I do. But I don't know how to treat this!" You exclaim, frustrated. "This is beyond my skill." You breathe. Kili screams and arches his back. "Hold him down. He's making his death come faster with his moving." You state. Fili holds Kili's shoulders and looks up at you with tears in his eyes. "Please, Y/N, help him." He begs. You bite your lip. "I'll try." You breathe, hurrying to your medicine cabinet. You stare at the bottles, vials, and jars, panicked. "Kili's poison could be any kind of poison. I'm not even sure what I'll be using will be able to heal him." You say. "Just try!!" Fili growls. You pull bottles, powders, and vials into your arms. You lay them next to Kili who's writhing in pain. "I'll do my best, Kili." You sigh.
You wash Kili's wound and it makes him scream even louder. You use a syringe and squeeze five droplets on to his wound. "This will numb the pain for now." You explain to Fili, who looks frantic. You rush to a potted plant near your window and pluck two leaves off of it. You mash them up into a bowl and then dust it with powder. You drop a spoonful of a gooey medicine and mix it together. You pick up some of the mixture into your hands and place it on Kili's bleeding stomach. "I hope this works." You say, smearing it around in stomach. Kili's stiffens and you suck in breath. Fili and you still, your eyes watching Kili's chest for breaths. "Please, brother, pull through. Pull through!" Fili exclaims. "Kili, please." You whisper. Kili takes quick, short breaths and you grab a vile. You pop the top of. "Hold his head up." You command to Fili. He does so and you gently pinch the sides of Kili's lip so that the opens his mouth. You make him drink the liquid and Kili's fearful eyes rest on yours. "You're going to be okay, Kili." You say gently, though not believing your words. "You're going to be fine." You whisper as Fili lays his head back on the table. You grab the basin filled with water and does Kili's stomach with it, washing off the mixture. "What are you doing?" Fili asks as you reach for the mixture bowl again. You dumb the rest of the contents on Kili's stomach and slather it on again. "Don't question me, Fili. I'm just doing what I think is right for him. This might be working." You say. Kili calms slightly and you go back to the plotted plant. You take a leaf off and break it apart in your fingers. You walk back to Kili. "Kili, you need to listen to me. I need you to eat this." You say, opening his mouth again. You place the leaf on his tongue. "Swallow." You command. He struggles and then does so. He lets out a cry. "What did you do?!" Fili shouts at you. "This flower will help from the inside out. It burns on the way down but once it's in his system it will help tremendously." You explain.
An hour later, Kili calms and rests. Fili rests in a couch, holding his head in his hands. You stitch up Kili's stomach and then grab ointment. "Are we in the clear?" Fili asks tiredly. "I think so. As long as he rests and the wound doesn't get infected, he should be all right." You answer. Fili nods and curls up into a ball on the couch, going to sleep. You put the ointment on Kili's wound and he moans. "Y/N?" He asks, his eyes fluttering open. You look at him and smile softly. You grab bandages as Kili grabs your wrist. "Thank you." He whispers. You look at him and gently take his hand off of your wrist. You lay it on his chest. "You're welcome." You whisper, starting to pull your hand back to your waist. Kili grabs your hand quickly. "Kili, Kili, take it easy." You say quietly. "You saved my life." He whispers. You smile. "That's my job, Kili." You say. He smiles and closes his eyes, holding your to his chest. "Thank you..." He whispers tiredly. You slip your hand from his and pat his hand. "You're welcome." You say quietly, smiling. You start to wrap his stomach with the bandages, occasionally glancing at Kili.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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