Chapter Seven: Coach, Meet Coach

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    "I've been saying your name for the past five minutes, love. Are you okay? You seem really distracted."

Jake shook his head as he realized his wife was right; he hadn't been paying attention to her or the movie they were watching. And he knew exactly what was wrong.

About an hour ago, he had gotten a call from Sam Adair who was on a rant yet again. It didn't take a genius to see that Jake was falling and the team was going down with him. They had two more scrimmages and had lost both. Jake was losing both his confidence and his touch. And he was pretty sure the team was too.

"Are you okay?" Riley repeated, sliding her hand into his.

"I'm fine. Just tired."

" 'You feeling okay?"

"I'm good, Riley. Don't worry about me," Jake said, putting his hand on his wife's face and smiling softly.

Ever since Jake had been COVID-free, Royala had made sure he and Riley kept track of any recurring leftover symptoms. So far, Jake had been okay so far except for a few days he had woken up to a tight chest and some barking coughs; nothing the inhaler couldn't fix. Even though he always said he was fine, Riley worried about him. Jake appreciated it though- it showed she really loved him.

    "Something is bothering you though," Riley stated matter-of-factly.

    "No," Jake said, staring at the screen until he slowly turned his head to look at his wife who was giving him the 'I don't think so' face. Jake sighed and picked up the remote, turning the TV off before putting all his attention into how he was feeling.

    "You know... Nick's daughter has been having a hard time."

    "Of course. I'm going over to check on them tomorrow, actually."

    "Good, I'm sure they could use it," Jake said, fiddling with the blanket spread across his lap.

    "Did something happen, Jake? Are Nick, Mac, and Sav okay?" Riley asked as Jake shook his head vehemently.

    "Of course not. They're fine. I'm the one who's not," Jake said, taking his eyes off the blanket to look his wife in the eyes. Riley gave him a weird look.
    "I've been worried about Nick and rightfully so. I don't know if Mac has told you... he hasn't been to practice in over 3 weeks and it's not just me who's getting annoyed."

    "Lemme guess. Adair wants him back too," Riley replied.

    "You got it," Jake said, leaning back onto the couch and sighing. "I know he has to take care of his family but..."

    "But what, hun?"

    "But, I've never had to run the team myself for this long. I guess... I'm just doubting if I can even do it," Jake said, softly.


    "He's been my rock since I was 13, Riley. I'm trying not to get annoyed because I know his daughter might be really sick. She probably is if she hasn't gotten any better since Nick and Mac realized something was wrong but... I'm not ready to do this on my own." He said the ending slowly as if he had to think about it very carefully.

    "What do you mean, hun? You're incredible," Riley said, cradling her husband's face in her hands as he smiled his sweet puppy dog smile.

    "Ah. You're just supposed to say that because you're my wife," Jake said, taking her hand.

    "No, I don't," Riley said, positioning herself so that she was directly looking into her husband's eyes. "You.. are...incredible. You had a rough beginning, my love. Your family life wasn't the way you wanted it to be. I know it wasn't. You feel guilty you went bowling as your father lay dying. I know Nick Zaminski is your best friend for life. He's like a brother to you. I know everything about you, Jake Wolff. Before we met, I was longing for someone like you. Someone who loved baseball, someone who was compassionate, determined, driven, loving, caring, and oh so kind. You are every single one of those things and more. You are everything I could have ever dreamed of. So, excuse me if I can't let you sit here and drive yourself into the ground. You are the most incredible man I have ever known. And you will do this. Now, let's go make the cookie dough for Mac and Nick."

RIVAL NIGHT: Third Installment of the "Brennan Baseball Series"Where stories live. Discover now