Chapter Sixteen: It's About To Go Down

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"Hi, Coach," Mackenzie said as she smiled at Nick coming down the stairs in his sweatpants and baseball cap. Nick smiled back, coming around the counter to kiss her. "You're happy this morning."

"Oh, hon. If anything, I'm not but I'm trying to keep my spirits up." Nick said as he grabbed a coffee cup. "Besides, the team has their first game today so I got to keep myself sane for their sake."

"Well. I know you and Jake got this. I know how close you are. Have a great day and Nick?"

"Hm?" He asked, his hand on the doorknob.

"It's better to lose doing the right thing, hon."

Nick nodded, smiling as he walked out the door with a sigh, hoping today would be great.

Cause he knew... everyone could use some happy.

Jake twirled his pen around his finger, staring into space, his computer in front of him, the endless emails and documents awaiting his attention but he just didn't have it. He had woken up in the middle of the night, nervous, restless, and anxious.

Today was Brennan's first game of the spring.

And his stomach was in knots.

He had spent the weekend with his wife, Nick, and Mackenzie. They drove out to the middle of nowhere really and just shopped, ate good food( mostly Mexican), and Jake just used the time to get himself relaxed for the week to come. He needed it and he was pretty sure Nick did too. They both appreciated the time off. But now, it was time to work. Business time. Jake was currently trying to do the lineup before he made his way to the field. Luckily, it was a home game and he didn't have to board the team on the bus because that was always a chore.

He checked his clock and then his watch. He had a few minutes but he couldn't sit here any longer so he put his cap back on his head and grabbed his scorebook, phone, and keys to the shed before locking his office door and headed out. Unfortunately, Adair was also leaving at the same time and he caught Jake on the way out.


Jake stopped, taking a deep breath, before turning around. "Hey, Sam."

"Hey. So... I just wanted to check in."


"Cause... that wasn't you in my office yesterday, Jake."

"With all due respect, Sam, I've spent the past few weeks feeling like that so I'm sorry if what I convey is actually what I'm feeling," Jake made his way to the door before Sam barked his name again. Jake turned back around and faced him.

"I hold your future here, young man. You're the best we've got. Don't screw it up now."

"Would you stop?" Jake finally blurted out, Kevin and Jake Unger stopping mid position and just giving him a look.

"Stop what?" Nick asked innocently.

Jake turned around from Kevin in the bullpen and leaned over the fence, staring and shaking his head at Nick as he worked with the outfielders.

"You're giving me the look again. Oh don't act like you don't know. When you try to figure out what's wrong with someone your eyebrows get a certain way, your nose scrunches up and you bite your bottom lip."


"Yeah, I know I'm right," Jake said, chuckling as he turned back to Kevin.

The two finished warmups- Nick for the outfield and Jake with Kevin- as Jake closed the bullpen gates as Nick jogged over to him.

"You know why I'm giving you the look though," Nick said.

"I know," Jake said as he continued walking.

Nick stepped in front of him. "What's wrong?" he asked but more or less demanded.

"I'm fine. We have more important things to do than worry about me, Nick. Grab me the bat. I'll hit some infield. Team! Infield! Let's go! On the hop! Nick. Honestly, I'm fine," Jake said before walking back to the dugout leaving Nick not convinced at all.

Jake and Nick were sitting on the buckets as the team finished a little pregame throwing. Jake was completing the lineup, adding a few finishing touches with Nick's input.

"Adair stopped me on my way out to the field," Jake said, erasing something on his page as Nick looked at him.

"What did he say?"

Jake shrugged. "Just that he controls my future, I'm the best we've got, and I better be careful. Whatever that means."

"He's probably referencing our little scuffle with him earlier," Nick said, shooting Jake a sideways glance. "You know... you didn't need to immediately jump to my defense in there."

"But I had to," Jake said, looking up.

"No, Jake. You didn't have to. You wanted to. Those are two different things. Jake, as long as you are my best friend, which lets face it, is forever...You will never have to go through anything alone, anymore. I will always make you feel worthy."

Jake smiled as Nick did too. "And I say that genuinely and because Luke is coming this way."

Jake groaned. "Oh god bless us all. I thought he wasn't coming today. I- Hey, Luke."

"Hello, gentlemen. Ready to play some baseball today? Oh, well we aren't. The kids will be," And he laughed as Nick tried to bite his tongue.

"Not a fan, gentlemen?"

"We're just focused, Luke. That's all," Nick said simply.

"Oh, well. I'll just go say hi to the kiddos in the meantime."

And he left as Jake snickered and Nick put his head in his hands. "Please tell me you're thinking the same thing," Nick said.

"He sounds like he's 40," Jake laughed as Nick joined in.

Jake sighed. "I needed that. Thanks, partner."

"Always. Now, let's go win a baseball game."

Jake was standing at third base waiting to start the third inning as he caught Windimere leaning over to the first basemen, whispering something in his ear and then he walked away. Jake looked away before Luke caught his gaze.

"What the hell is he doing?" Jake growled under his breath.

Parker stepped up to the plate and hit a rocket line drive into center field and Jake motioned for him to stay at first. Pete Rolfo was up next. Jake signaled for Parker to steal. But before he noticed what was happening, the words couldn't leave his mouth quick enough. Parker went to steal and the first basemen did a fake pickoff as Jake realized what Windimere had been doing....

The Parkland first basemen had the ball all along and Parker was out.

Jake sighed, trying to keep his blood pressure low but his mind was racing. Did he just see what he thought he saw? Did Windimere make an attempt to sabotage Brennan's first game? He didn't know for sure but he couldn't think about it too much. Dainn struck out to end the inning. Jake walked back to the dugout and sat down next to Nick with a huff.

"What's with you? It's top three and we're winning 8-2," Nick said to Jake, confused as to why he was mad.

"It's not the team, Nick. Luke Windimere is a cheater."

RIVAL NIGHT: Third Installment of the "Brennan Baseball Series"Where stories live. Discover now