Chapter Eight: Windimere

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Jake left Adair's office feeling as confused as he had ever been in his life. He couldn't tell if he felt less confident or more, on the verge of a panic attack or not, and he knew he was undeniably doubtful about all of it.

He walked down the halls with his hands in his pockets, just staring at the floor. He felt a rush of cold air brush by him as Luke Windimere walked past him and up to one of the teachers, Mr. Tellis, shaking his hand, that stupid smirk on his face again. Jake couldn't tell if he wanted to throw up or confront him.

"Hey Coach Ja- hey, are you okay? Coach?"

A voice snapped Jake out of his haze. Kevin Grammar was standing next to him, his book bag slung over one shoulder and a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, hey Kev. Sorry, I didn't see you there," Jake said, distractedly not taking his eyes off Windimere.

Kevin looked between Luke and Jake a few times before looking at his coach again.

"Coach Jake, who's that guy you're looking at?"

"Him? He's my biggest challenge yet, Grammar."

"Nick, do you have the bottle, or do I?"

"Uh, you do, hun!"

It was a morning of chaos. Nick had woken up suddenly in the early hour of the morning to Sav's bawling cries. He ran to her room to find her burning up again, the bed wet, and vomit all over her little body. He immediately yelled for Mac as his wife rushed in the room and they had been up since then getting their stuff together to rush Sav to the doctor.

Nick ran down the stairs, throwing his watch on his hand, buttoning his shirt, and running a hand through his hair.

"I hope I look okay. I probably look dead cause I barely slept," he mumbled as he grabbed the coffee pot.

"You look fine. You always do," Mac said, coming over to kiss him on the cheek. Sav whimpered as Nick took her from Mac and put his hand on her forehead.

"We should go. Can you grab a cup for this?" Nick asked, holding up his coffee mug.

Mackenzie handed him the cup and she took Sav to the car as Nick typed a message to Jake.

Hey, I know you're probably busy but I wanted to let you know what's up... Mac and I are taking Sav to Royala. She's not good, Jake- 6:45 am

He sighed, putting his phone in his pocket and rushing out after Mackenzie.

"Jake are you... alright?"

It was becoming the question of the day and the answer was no. No, he was not alright. He had been in his office for the past hour staring at the wall, his body still as a statue. He couldn't believe what Adair had done... Of course, he reacted but the reason he might have overreacted is because Luke Windimere wasn't just the coach of Northwestern. He used to be the coach of South Legion High... Brennan's biggest rival. Hiring him would be a cause for major concern and Jake was worried that Adair didn't recognize that. Yeah, he's not there anymore but what happens when Brennan plays South Legion on their senior night this year?

"Chaos. That's what," Jake thought.

His phone dinged with a message from Nick.

Hey, I know you're probably busy but I wanted to let you know what's up... Mac and I are taking Sav to Royala. She's not good, Jake.

Jake sighed and bit his lip.

So... guess you're not coming back this week, huh?

Nick replied back almost instantly.

RIVAL NIGHT: Third Installment of the "Brennan Baseball Series"Where stories live. Discover now