Chapter Fourteen: Luke... Lane?

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December 24th, 2018

"When's Rick coming, Luke?"

    "I told him 6, Ma. Is that okay?"

    "Fine. Thanks. He should be here soon then."

It was a total tradition in the Windimere house that they host the Christmas Eve party every year and this year, 2018, was almost the tenth time they had done so. And every year it was the same- big brassy lights, Christmas trees, people, family, and food.

    "Luke! The door," His mother called.

Luke got up off the couch and padded to the door in his socks, and opened the door for his uncle.

    "Hey, Lukey boy! How goes it?" he yelled, hugging his nephew.

    "Hey, Uncle Rick. Aunt Rita," Luke said, hugging them both. "Come on in. You can put your stuff by the fireplace."

The next hour was full of family and relatives coming and going. They were running out of room for coats, presents, and such near the fireplace. A few minutes after 7:30, they all sat down to dinner and the air was filled with good smelling food and the sound of forks scraping along plates until Rick stood up, wiping his mouth.

    "I have an announcement to make," He declared. "As of January 2019, I will be Coach Rick Lane of the Brennan High baseball team."

The whole table whooped and cheered, his brother slapping him on the back as Luke smiled, happy for his uncle and beyond excited to go visit him.

Little did he know... this job was gonna change a lot. 

A whole lot.


Luke pulled his phone, keys, and wallet out of his pockets and placed them on the belt, then got scanned through security.

    "Mr. Lane? Your belongings," the guard said as he handed them back.

    "I go by the family now, Grunge. Windimere."

    "Mr. Windimere, sir. My apologies."

Luke nodded his acceptance and followed another guard to the windows where his uncle, Rick Lane, sat behind the glass, an orange jumpsuit on and the phone on the wall. Luke sat down and Rick smiled at him, toothily as he grabbed the corded phone.

    "My boy. My nephew. It's been a minute."

    "Yeah," Luke breathed out. "It has. Christmas '18 to be exact, Uncle Rick."

There was silence for a while.

    "How's it going? Tell me you got it."

    "I am. I did. I've been there for at least two months."

    "And?" Rick asked, expectantly.

    "It's going great. Well, except for the hangover yesterday but I'm good."

    "You what...?" Rick growled at him. "I thought you to be sober, my boy."

    "I was. Tony and I just had a good night. I was happy. He was happy. His bar is doing great by the way. They h-"

    "I don't care how Tony Gonzalez is, Luke! Jake Wolff and Nick Zaminski are not idiots! Hell... Wolff pulled me into court and put me behind bars for heaven's sake! You have got to be more careful!" Rick growled again, his face pressed so close to the glass, his breath turned it shadowy.

    "I'm sorry, Uncle Rick. I'll be better."

    "You better be. Get out of my sight."

Luke left as Rick watched him go, letting out a breath as he shook his head.

RIVAL NIGHT: Third Installment of the "Brennan Baseball Series"Where stories live. Discover now