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~ Y/n POV ~

The day before the meet up rolled around super fast, I was convinced it would feel like a year but it didn't somehow.

I was in a vc with walli and Levi talking about the trip.

"How's the rooming gunna work, there's a lot of us." I asked, playing with Ophelia at my desk. "So we'll go to purps house for two nights and I'm pretty sure that his couch is pretty big, plus he has his two brothers rooms and if we really need more space we can use his parents room" Wallibear explained.

"Once we're in California, we'll have an air bnb that'll have a 4 beds so we'll have to buddy up" walli continued.

"Oh alright, Sounds fun" I smiled. "Actually I should finish packing" I chuckle "you haven't finished???" Levi asks shocked "nope. I was too focused on other stuff. Like stressing out about meeting you guys!" I exclaim
"Fair enough. But still- go pack!" Levi demanded "fine, but I'm staying on vc" I said getting up from my seat and putting my half packed suitcase on the bed.

I turned my camera on and was constantly showing walli and Levi outfits and demanding their opinion on it.

"Oh! Look at this one-" I said getting cut of by Someone joining the vc

"Hey, what's going on?" Grayson asked. "PURPLED. Sorry- what do you think of this outfit?" I asked holding a pair of shirt and shorts that I thought looked nice.

"Oh- it looks really cool. Would definitely look amazing on you" he said. You could hear walli laugh in the background but I just ignored him.

"Thanks, you think I should pack it?" I asked smiling. "Yeah of course!" He exclaimed.

I finished packing ended up just talking with the other three as ophelia slept in my lap.

"I'm gunna head to bed guys it's pretty late." I said, yawning afterwards. "Alright night y/n!" Walli said "night" Levi smiled also sounding tired. "Goodnight n/n" Grayson said. I smiled at the nickname then left the call and went to go get ready for bed, excited for tomorrow.

~ Purpled POV ~

"Goodnight n/n" I said and then she left the call.

I sat there smiling, just thinking when my thoughts were interrupted,

"Dude, could you be anymore obvious????" Walli said Levi laughing. "What?" I asked

"It's so obvious that you like her. I wouldnt be surprised if she knew" Wallibear said "wait- do you think she knows???" I asked scared that she might.

"I'm joking- but she might. Also, you finally admit that you do like her?" He asked. "Uh- I meann...." I said awkwardly.

Walli and Levi laugh. "I gotta go finish packing. See you guys tomorrow" I said and left the call right after Not letting them say anything.

Am I really being that obvious?

~ Y/n POV ~

I wake up to the sound of my phone playing my alarm sound. I groan, mumble and swear and then get up. Thankfully I got a late plane, 12pm plane to be exact. It's not that late but it's better then 4am

I get all ready and grab my bags. I dont look that great but it's the bare minimum and that's good enough for me.

I uber to the airport and check in 'n shit. I sit at my gate and text Grayson.


1:02pm Y/n :)
Hey I'm in the airport now. Should be arriving in a few hours <3

Grayson💜 1:03pm
Alright, excited to see you! <3333


I throw a neck pillow around my neck and rest my eyes until my gate gets called.

After awhile I board the plane and stare out the window, excited to see all my friends for the first time ever.

~ Purpled POV ~

Hannah, astelic and Wallibear all already arrived and we were sitting on my couch waiting for boomer, Levi, David and y/n to get here.

A knock on the door catches my attention and I bolt to the front door, hoping it's y/n.

I swing the door open and see boomer and David standing there with their luggage. "Hey guys!" I exclaim hugging them both and then letting them in.

"How have you two been?" I asked walking them to the living room with everyone else.

"Pretty good! Airport was hell." Boomer sighed and told us all the crap that happened in the airport.

I hear the door open and immediately stand up confused. They just let themselves in? I thought walking over to the door.

I turn the corner and saw Levi trying to close the door as quiet as possible

"Levi! Don't scare me like that! I thought I was being robbed!" I yell not really mad. "I was trying to scare you man. You know how funny that would have been if you didn't ruin it?" He defended himself. "Your so weird" I said giving him a hug and then leading him to the others

"So just waiting on y/n now?" Boomer asked. "Yep" I said.

"Is that her?" I heard from behind me. I turn around and see Levi staring out the window. I walk over and look out to see a girl pulling a bag out of the back of a car. "Uh- YES" I said and walked calmly over to the door, trying not to embarrass myself.

Right before I opened the door she knocked. I opened right away. I probably made her think I was weird for waiting by the door.

I open the door and we make eye contact. I admire her whole self having into her gorgeous e/c eyes which stared back into mine.

After a few seconds she breaks and smiles, jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my lower torso. I hug her tight, my face digging into her neck and hers digging into mine.

I put her down and we both laugh. "Uhm- your the last one here" I said bringing up conversation.

"Are you fucking serious? I thought I would be early!" She sighed. "Cmon" I said grabbing her suitcase and bringing her to the living room.

"Y/n!!!" Astelic said, jumping up from the couch and giving her a big hug. "Astelic! Hii!" Y/n said into her shoulder.

Y/n got hugs from everyone else and we ended up just talking on the couch while watching some cartoon show.

~ Y/n POV ~

"What are we gunna do for two days?" Astelic asked, taking her focus away from the tv and over to Grayson.

"We'll there's streaming, going around town. I think there's a fair being set up and opening tomorrow." Grayson listed. "*gasp* can we go to the fair??" I gasp excitedly. "Yes we can." Grayson laughed.

"It's like what, 6? Should we just go out for dinner and stream and then go to the fair tomorrow?" David asked.

"Yeah sure, get your stuff ready we'll leave in like 5 minutes" Grayson said getting up.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I wash my face. And put very little makeup on.

"Y/n, we're leaving!"

~ Word Count 1212 ~

[ A/n - I'm back in Canada! I should have a lot more time to write for the next little while. ]

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