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~ Y/n POV ~

i got an uber to take me home from the airport and once i got into my apartment, i flopped down on my bed in exhaustment. i barley slept on that plane.

after a nice 3 hour nap, i got up and walked over to my pc and texting grayson,

Grayson <333

Y/n :)
Hey, im home. wanna stream soon?

Grayson <333
Yeah sure! give me like 10 minutes and ill be on :)
*You liked Grayson <333's Message*


i put my phone down and started to set up stream. after a few minutes i was all set up and clicked the 'Go Live' button, and waiting for everyone to get the notification and start spamming in chat.

"Hey chat! im home!" i shout waving to my camera, getting a bunch of 'welcome back's and 'Glad your home's, making me smile at how amazing my small community is.

"Right! so, gr-Purpleds gunna join us on today stream and were just going to chat, play bedwars and maybe answer some questions too!" i exclaim, stopping myself from calling him grayson. i then started to play build battle while i waited for grayson to join.

After a few more minutes i heard the sound of someone joining my discord call. "Hey, u/n!!" grayson shouts. "PURPLEDDD! i missed you!" i shout at him. "You saw me a couple hours ago!" he laugh. "Thats a long fucking time to be without you!" i join in on his laughter.

~ Time Skip ~

Grayson and i eventually got bored of playing bedwars for so long so we told chat to ask us some random questions about our relationship or whatever and we would answer them.

"'Have you guys talked about moving in together more yet?' Yes we have! were hopping to start seriously talking about it in a few months maybe less maybe more we dont know yet, but yes we have talked about it." i shrugged

we answered a bunch more questions, and played some more games then finally ended at the 2 hour mark.

"So what do you wanna do now?" grayson asks me right after i ended stream "I dont know, i can stream a movie if you want" i smile. "Sure!" he exclaims. i nod and stream graysons favourite movie through discord while having our cameras on.

Once the movie ended I turned it off and looked at Grayson's camera to see him in bed and asleep. I smiled as I stared at him thinking about how lucky I am to be with someone like him.

After a minute of staring I got ready for bed and got under the covers and drifted off to sleep with Grayson virtually next to me.

~ Long Time Skip ~

Its been about 2 almost 3 months since i got home from the meet up and grayson and i started to pack up to move in together.

As i was packing up some stuff from my kitchen and putting them into boxes when i hear a knock at the door. i walk over to my front door and swing it open. "MOM, DAD?!" i shout.

i havent seen my parents in so long, i moved out as soon as i turned 18, there were so rude to my and didnt treat my like their kid, they treated me like some random kid they didnt know. they never helped me through my mental illnesses and always just told me it was a phase and that i was attention seeking.

"What are you doing here?!" i ask them as they stand there with a blank expression. "We heard you were moving states? are you trying to get away from us still? we did nothing y/n" my mother said to me with an upset look on her face.

"Uhm, im not trying to get away from you, im moving in with my bo- bestfriend.." i said cutting myself off. "Your what? boyfriend?" she said knowing what i was about to say, Fuck

"Ugh, fine. yes im moving in with my Boyfriend Alright?" i ask. "Why didnt you tell us you got a boyfriend? can we meet him?" "NO, he doesnt want to meet you and you never will meet him! can you leave now??" i shout again. "Why do you want to get rid of us so bad?? we love you so much!" my dad exclaims. "No, you Dont love me, you were never there for me growing up. i had to feed myself and fully take care of myself almost my whole life!" i shouted.

"Thats just not true! we raised you fine and look at you now!you a successful streamer!" she exclaims, "Thats because I took care of myself since i was 5! since i started preschool, i had to learn how to get my own food, and clean myself, and get to school all. on. my. own."

"Look y/n, we wanted to visit you to see how you were, thats it. its been months and you've never answered our texts or calls. we were worried.." my mom said, making intense eye contact with me.

"Are you sure you wanted to check on me or do you just want pity money?" i cross my arms. "What? no! we would never, we genuinely want to make sure your okay." she says to me looking guilty.

"mom, i know you, you dont check up on me or even talk to me unless you want something, so what is it?" i ask, arms still crossed. "Fine! we dont want you to move state, and also were really struggling with money, your dad lost his job because he didnt get the vaccine, and i have been struggling to get a job for so long, please y/n we just need to stay with you for a while. until we can get back up on our feet." my mom explains looking like the victim here.

"Mom, its not my fault you guys dont want to get vaccines, ive already booked the tickets to virginia and rented a storage unit. im not staying. i can give you enough money to get an apartment but thats it." i say.

"Please y/n! you cant leave us!" she begs. "i can and will. heres 1000 bucks. now leave." i say with a cold tone, handing my mother a bunch of money out of my wallet and then shut the door.

Thankfully she didnt knock on the door again. and just left with the money. i really didnt want to give her the money, but i hated seeing anyone struggle in life like that, even if they're a bad person i guess.

i sigh and continue packing up my kitchen, trying my best not to think about my parents anymore.

~ Word Count 1133 ~

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