4 ~ A Strange Encounter

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A week. That's how long Snowflake had to deal with the tingling in his claws. And no, it hasn't subsided, ethier. He learned to ignore it for the most part and was able to stand still once again. He dreamed of the day he'll wake up and find that his talons feel normal once again.

But that day had not yet come. In fact, he swore it felt worse. He could probably cut his talons off and still feel it!

But right now he had no intention of being distracted. It was time for the monthly ranking announcements. This was the moment he could move to the fourth circle!

"Snow? Are you okay?" Skua whispered in the waiting crowd.

"Yeah, exited, that's all!" He laughed and ruffled his wings.

He spotted Hare and Ox in the glittering mass of ice dragons. Hare was at the very front of the fourth circle while Ox was in the middle. Ox nodded his head at them while Hare waved exctatically.

Shiver was at the top of the fourth circle. Her eyes glared at sky, but passing short glances in Snowflake's direction, but he hardly noticed.

Snowflake's cousin, Moraine, was at the top of the fifth circle right behind Skua. They definitely had time to make it to the fourth circle before the adult rankings set in. Maybe they could all live close together!

Hare and Ox had time to move the the third circle. What an honor that would be, Snowflake could only imagine what that would be like. He just had to be born in the sixth circle. He simply didn't have enough time to climb high enough.

I could be in first by now. I wish there was a way for icewings to check our ranks daily, maybe on a large board instead of a single book. Maybe I could've moved up faster, and maybe Suka wouldn't have lost her status as a third circle dragonet.

I wish... I want...

While he was thinking, his claws started to become agitated, as if listening to his thoughts.

At last, it was time. Since Queen Fringe and her son, Prince Storm, were the only royal icewings left, they were constantly monitored by the strongest first circle guards. The elderly queen was barely visible behind all of her servants. Prince Storm held a heafty leather book in his claws with quill and ink at the ready. Lifting his head, he began announcing the new placements of the dragonet circles, starting with first.

As the prince made his way to third and through all the names of dragonets, he finally reached the bottom. Hare had her ears perked and was as stiff as an ice spike.
Storm lifted his chin in her direction.

"Hare, champion of the fourth circle. You have proved yourself to be a skilled hunter and warrior. You did, however, lose a spar to Snowflake, the champion of the fifth circle, and would normally be a major penalty to your rank." Hare's body visibly sank.

Normally? What does he mean by that?

"However, after discussing this defeat with the council, we have decided to move you to the lower third circle due to your other aspects and hard work shining through." Storm announced as Hare perked back up again. A high rank icewing pointed to Hare's new placement in line.

"Shiver, you will be the new champion of the fifth circle. Your skill has improved tremendously since the last moon. You have defeated nearly every opponent you sparred with and made exceptional kills during hunts." Storm proceeded down the list and finally made his way to Snowflake.


This is it. The moment I could move up!

"You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent in battle and utilized your wit in ways no other icewing had before. In addition, defeating opponents at a much higher rank than you leads me to believe that you are skilled enough to move to the middle of the fourth circle. We all have our eyes on you, do not make us regret this desicion."

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