12 ~ For The Future

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It was the next evening. The sun longed to touch the horizon as it dipped lower into the sky, painting the sky a soft orange hue. Snowflake's chest burned with anxiety. Skua would be in her personal study, writing diligently in her book.

Sure enough, she was there. The guards allowed him to enter the room. Skua allowed only her most trusted advisors and royal guards to enter while she wrote the ranks.

The lavender dragon looked dazzling in the dying light of day. The scarlet dawn sky. Her crown rested on a ice pedestal. Her other jewelry hung from the wall. All she wore was her feather.

Sensing a presence, she turned around to find her childhood friend standing behind to her. A relieved smile crept across her snout.

"You really shouldn't be distracting me right now, Snow." She breathed, setting her ink-covered quill down on a desk. Snowflake was suprised as she crashed into his arms.

"I've been writing all day, I'll be done once the sun sets. Might as well call it quits now." She said, wrapping her wings around her old friend. It took every fiber of his being not to tear up.

"There's a reason why I'm here, your majesty. I have a gift for you, but only if you answer one question first."

"Oooh, how very mysterious! Is it about what my father said yesterday, about finding a husband?"

"I want to know if- what did you just say?"

"Nothing important! Continue," She giggled quietly. Snowflake cleared his throat.

"I want to know if you still rememebr the last night we were together. Did you see me break the iceberg that blocked the river to the village?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Aren't you surprised at all? How a dragonet managed to smash a huge iceberg to splinters? Also, why did you leave after you pulled me out the water? You saved my life I never got to thank you!"

"You're welcome for saving your life, but as for why I flew away, I thought I was being followed. I was probably just imagining it since nothing ever came of it."

"Well, I didn't break that iceberg with my own strength. I... used magic." Snowflake finally admitted. The secret he had been keeping for over a year now, finally, somebody else knew.

"Magic, seriously?" Skua tilted her head  skeptically. They didn't day another word and for a moment it was quiet. Snowflake inhaled sharply before looking at thw icewing crown resting on the pedestal.

"Crown, I enchant you to gently place yourself on Skua's head." He said.

"Uhh, are you crazy? Did you finally lose it after being seperated form me for a year? I can't believe that yo-" Skua gasped as the crown floated off the pedestal. She blinked her red eyes hardly and shook her head.

The crown did as it was told and gently landed on her head. Skua's jaw hung agape and Snowflake's expression clearly said I told you so.

"But- how...?" She stammered, touching the crown with her claws.

"I don't exactly know, but I want to do something to help you rule this kingdom. I can't imagine how tedious it must be to write all those names down every month. That stupid book takes all of your time, you can't even slightly enjoy yourself anymore. Please let me help you!" He pleaded, holding her talons in his.

"Then, whay do you have in mind? Can you do anything with that magic of yours?"

"I'm not sure, but I have an idea. I can get rid of that book for good. Lead me to a large blank wall and I'll do it!"

Skua nodded and together they threw the doors to the study open, startling the royal guards.

"No time to explain, everyone, follow me!" Skua demanded, rushing down the hallway, probably excited at the notion of throwing out the books for good.

She led them all to a large wall that spanded the length of the largest courtyard. The commotion had peaked the curiosity of many dragons and they all looked on as their Queen and her personal guard arrived.

"Okay, Snowflake, do your fancy magic thing." The Queen took a step back, allowing Snowflake a full view of the wall.

He looked at the wall that casted a shadow over the courtyard. It loomed menacingly above him. This was it, the moment the world would know of his magic.

Somehow, he knew he didn't need to speak aloud.

The wall shifted, shaking the palace. Many icewings screeched as the wall began carving itself. Thousands of different blocks formed on the wall. Names of icewings were etched into each brick.

"I call it the Gift of Order!" Snowflake raised his voice. It echoed all around the palace. "Everyone will now be able to see their rank anytime they want. This gift is the start of a glorious new era for the icewings! We. Have. MAGIC!"

There were at least a few hundred onlookers watching with awe as the wall cracked and chunks of ice cascaded from the wall.

Snowflake felt a little colder than he normally did after casting the spell, but the sensation quickly faded.

"How does it work?" Skua was the first to speak.

"Have a look, your majesty."

Skua lifted her talons to the wall and pressed her palm against a name. After nothing happened, she traid a different position. She stabbed a claw into the brick. She felt something shift and began to move her claw. The brick followed her claw gliding across the wall effortlessly. She lifted her claw from the brick and it stayed in place.

"Incredible... " She muttered.

"Only the Queen and thw dragons she trusts can move the names on the wall. I have new ideas I want to test out. I'll do anything for you, Queen Skua."

"Don't you feel any different?"

"Well, just a little colder than usual. Isnthat what you mean?"

"I mean that this could be dangerous, for you and those around you. You need to be careful. Please, Snowflake." Her red eyes were glossy.

"Is that an order?"

"An order from you Queen and a plea from your friend."

"I swear to only use magic by your command. A promise from your loyal soilder and your friend," He stated with a bow at her feet.

"Snowflake, stand up." She poked his nose with the tip of her tail. The moment he met her eyes, she grabbed both his talons.

"Promise to stay by my side, always." She said in a hurried, nervous voice.

"Isn't that my entire job?" He chuckled with a flick of his ears.

"That's not what I mean, Snow!" She laughed and lifted her head, pressing her snout against his.

Oh? OH! His mind roared.

"Of course," He whispered, "I'll never leave you."

Wings of Fire ~ A Special SnowflakeWhere stories live. Discover now