Chapter 36: Too late

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On our way to the picnic site, I am with Nancy in her car with Sav and Chris on the back seat. Gabriel is with the boys and they go to the lake right after having breakfast earlier.

Me and the kids were dancing our head with the music of Justine Timberlake, 'Can't stop the feeling' that playing on the car's radio, when Nancy suddenly change the station.

It's exactly a heartbreak song. I looked at the rearview mirror and saw the two kids frowning at their cousin's back. I sighed, but then I tried to listen to the song...

--''Why can't it be.. why can't it be the two of us? Why can't we be lovers? Only friends.. you came along at a wrong place, at a wrong time.. or was it me....''--

I immediately change the station again and turned it back to it's first station earlier. Nancy glanced at me and asking with her arched eyebrow.

"Why did you change the song?" she asked me with amusement dancing in her eyes.

I gulped and tried to think a better reason. "Uhm.. the kids didn't like the song. And it's unsuitable for their age." I answered not looking at her. "Right kids?" I turned my head to look at the two who are now enjoying the happy tune song.

"Uhm... okay." she said nodding and shrugged her shoulders.

I suddenly felt awkward with her, so I just looked outside the window.

-'Why can't be? Why can't be the two of us? Huh! It will never happen.'-

I sighed as I leaned my head on the window. I closed my eyes for a while, but then I suddenly remember Sandy.

-'Right! I need to call her!'-

I took my phone inside of my pouch and scrolled down my contacts. When I saw Sandy's number I didn't hesitate to call her even I am with someone in the car. And this time, she picked up the call on its second ring.


"Madi." her voice sounded so low and defeated.

"Where are you?" I asked her frowning.

"Home." she just only answered without any words added.

"Okay.. so, can you explain to me what is happening to you and why were you sounded so defeated?"

I heard her sighed.


Because I am too focused on talking with her, I didn't notice that we already reached the picnic site until Nancy called my attention.

"Sissy, is it okay if we already go in the tent?"

"Sure." I nodded and smiled.

"What about you?"

"I'm okay, you can go ahead. I'm just going to talk to my friend." I smiled again.

"Okay." she said before closing the door.

The kids were already out of the car. When they finally gone, I leaned my back on the chair and find. better position to get comfortable.

"Sissy? Tent? Where are you?" Sandy asked me after a while.

"I'm in Belleville."

"B-Belleville? What are you doing there?" I can imagine her forehead knitted in confusion.

"I'm with Gabriel's parents. I mean.. we.. we were in his parents' house."

"What?" she asked raising her voice. "What is happening Madi? Why were you there and why were you with Mr. Wilsons?"

"Wait! Wait, Sandy! I-I didn't call you to interrogate me. This is about you that's why I'm calling. And about me being here, I have an explanation. What about you? What's happening to you?"

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