Chapter 38: They are now engaged

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He inserted the ring on my finger and stand immediately. He lifted me by my waist and twirled me around while he's laughing and shouting 'yes and thank you' at the same time. When he put me down, he wiped those tears of pain and sadness from my eyes and face.

He hugged me tight and kissed me again, but this time I didn't wait for him to bite my lips just kiss him back. I kissed him already the moment he captured my lips. I kissed him back like I never felt a single pain. I showed him and to everyone what's the real emotion of a supposed to be bride.

"Thank you, love." he said after pulling himself back and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"I love you." he said looking to my eyes while cupping my both cheeks.

And there is again.. that look. The look on his eyes like he's pleading. And my stupid heart melt instantly just by looking at him.

"I love you too." I bite my lips as the stupid lone tear escaped from my left eye. And then he hugged me again.

When I looked back at the people in the table, they were still clapping their hands. I smiled at them, but when my eyes landed on Nancy's face, I scrunched my eyebrows. She's smiling and watching his brother as he accepts the congratulations and cheers of his family. But there's one thing I've noticed. Yes.. she's also smiling, but the smile on her face doesn't look like the smile of full happiness, and it doesn't reach her eyes.

When she noticed that I am looking at her, she smiled and immediately walked closer to me. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Madi."

I gulped after hearing her thank you. And then she wiped the now dried tear in my left eye.. and she smiled again.

"You really loved my brother. I can see it in your eyes." my breath stacked suddenly inside my throat.

"Are you a mind reader?" I tried to joke.

"No. I am an eye and emotion reader, Madi." my jaws dropped with her words and serious look on her face. "Just kidding!" she said after a while and God knows how I inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

"Of course, I can see it in your eyes and your tears. Those were the tears of happiness, right?"

"Huh? A-ahm..y-yeah. Those were tears of happiness.." I glanced at Gabriel ".. and love for your brother." and then I looked back to her.

She smiled. "I know."

Her Aunts and cousins also congratulates me. While Aunt Cindy hugged me tightly and cupped my left cheeks.

"Thank you, Madi." I just smiled at her. And after a while, Gabriel's parents were also in front of me. Mrs. Wilsons also have dried tears on her eyes when she hugged me.

"Oh, my dear Madi. Thank you for coming into my son's life. Thank you for bringing back his smile and the happiness in his life. Thank you for being his sunshine, Madi."

"Mrs. Wils------ Ma, you don't really have to thank me. I just loved your son and his happiness is also mine."

She hugged me again.

But then Mr. Wilsons, hold me in my shoulder. "Madi.. thank you for loving my son and accepting him despite his rudeness sometimes." we chuckled at his words. "But honestly, thank you for helping him back to his own self."

"Your welcome Dad." I smiled at him and he hugged me also.

"Ahem..." we all turned to look at Gabriel behind his father. "Can I now talk, hug and kiss my 'fiancee'?" he asked emphasizing the word fiancee.

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