Chapter 86: Time to think

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The next morning, it feels like a little bit different than usual. I came to the restaurant and the first thing I noticed was the empty space outside, which supposed to be where the flowers' stands. When I walked inside, I can no longer smell the fragrance of my favorite flower. The setting and arrangements were now back into normal. A sad smile formed in my lips, because I admit, my eyes were already used to its new setting and also my nose from its fragrance.

"So, what happened between you two, last night?"

Noelle followed me inside the office.

"What did he say?"

"He didn't notice my last text about my brother." I said while taking my seat.

"Hmm..okay. So, what did you tell him?"

I sighed. "I want to breathe for a while. I want us to continue the divorce."

"What the fuck, Madielyn! Are you insane?" she snapped at me. "He waited for you for three years, just to show you how much he loves you!"

"I know. I-I just want to breathe, you know. I want to think for a while!"

"By filing a divorce?" she asked me looking disappointed. "What's happening to you, Madi? Three years ago, you came here crying because he can't see you, he can't see your efforts and he can't love you back. And then now that he's making all his efforts, and showing you how much he loves you, you suddenly want to breathe? And you want to file a divorce 'again?"

She emphasized the last word.

"Don't you think you're being unfair and being selfish? Why don't you tell him everything you want and everything you feel about your relationship and your situation? Try to understand him and not just yourself. He's also a human, Madi."

"Hey, why don't you listen to me first?"

"I know all your side Madi, and I totally understand you. If you want to do this, because you feel like you can't breathe and being suffocated, then go on. But don't you ever cry to me again."

"Where are you going?" I asked when she stand and walked towards the door.

"I'm just going outside and give you also time to think. I don't want to add your suffocation and cause you not to breathe anymore." she said smiling but you can notice the sarcasm from her voice.


"He can also feel pain, Madi." she gave me a half-smile before he open and exited the door.

I was left speechless and dumbfounded.


When I tried to call him the next day, it always goes to voicemail, so I just tried to dial Sandy's number.

"Hello Mrs. Wilsons, how are you?" I rolled my eyes when I heard her question.

"Hi Sandy. I just want to ask if Gabriel is there? I've been calling him but it just turns to voicemail."

"Hmm.. yeah he's here, but he's currently in a meeting."

"Ahh.. okay."

"Madi, what happened to your talk after the bar incident? Because he's been quiet this last two days. He didn't even smile for the whole day and take note, he doesn't ask for coffee since yesterday. He's sulking inside his office."

I just bite my lips and closed my eyes.

"He's being the old Gabriel again, Madi. Are you two were okay?"

"Y-Y yeah.. we're just having a little misunderstanding."

"Hmm.. okay. I hope you two can fix your 'little misunderstanding' soon. Because I swear Madi, I don't want to become a robot again inside this company. It's so difficult to become your husband's secretary when he's in a foul mood."

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