Chapter 44: Her Stupidity

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Madi's POV:

"You accepted his marriage proposal?" Sandy asked me when she noticed the ring on my finger.

I nodded.


"What do you mean, why? It's part of the deal." I avoided her gaze. We're 15 minutes early as usual before our official time in, and she's now in my office.

"Yeah, part of the deal. But your heart and your feelings should not involve inside that game. Madi, you know the truth behind his story, and you know that he's still can't get over with his past!"

I sighed and leaned on my seat.

"Tell me, do you have feelings for your 'fake fiance? Have you fallen in love with him, Madi?"

I didn't say anything, I just put my face on my both hands as I put my elbows on the table and sighed heavily.

"So, it's true? You're in love with him. And that was the reason you agreed with the deal in the first place."

"No. I mean.. yes I agreed with his proposal at first but I don't feel anything for him by that time. I-I just don't know when it's started. And I'm confused Sandy, because sometimes I can feel that he cares, his kiss, I can feel something with it, and every time he's calling me love. I-I don't know, Sandy. I hate this! I hate this feeling!"

"Fuck! Madielyn Davis!"

I looked up with her feeling the heaviness inside my heart. "And we're getting married next week."

"What?" she slammed her both hands on the table. "Are you insane? I only pushed you before to agree with his game, because I didn't expect that you're going to fall in love with him! And marriage, Madi? Are you sure of that?"

"It's just for papers and only for two months."

"Shit! Madielyn! You also agreed with that? Okay.. you realized that you're in love with him at the time that you're already helping him. But to marry him now, that you developed your feelings with him and he's still chasing his ex-girlfriend, that's a huge of stupidity, Madielyn!"

"Sandy, you're not helping me!"

"I am helping you, actually! I am helping you to wake up before your good sleep turns into a nightmare! Back out Madi, now that you still have time."

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I-I can't. I can't, Sandy."

"Then, you made a decision. Well, it's yours, Madi. You're no longer a child. You already know what's the difference between good and bad for yourself."

"Why is it easy for you to give me such advice like that? You're also in love, same as mine and we almost have the same situation."

"Nah-ah!" she said shaking her head. "We're different Madi. Yes, we're both in love, but were totally have a different situation. I admit, I'm in love with someone who's also in love with someone else. And that someone else is you. But we don't have a deal, we don't have a contract and I will not push myself to him. Unlike you, you know you're in pain but you choose to stay!"


"What.. does it hurt to hear the truth? If he's in love with you he will drop his plan against her and focus all his time with you. But he's not doing any of it right? So, what are you.. idiot or stupid?"

"Huh! That's harsh, Sandy!" I gasped with her blunt words.

"Because that's what you need to hear for you to wake up! Madi, you can't compete when you don't compare!"

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