Chapter 51: Why? Why do I love you?

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I pushed him but not in a way that could catch some attention from the crowd.

"Gabriel, what is happening to you?" I whispered on his ears.

"What is happening to me? You said you're just going to the bathroom and when I saw you, you're dancing with Greg?" he's now grasping my waist.

"I was about to go back to the table when I saw him. He asked me to dance-----"

"And you agreed and danced with him!"

"And so? What was wrong with that?" I also glared at him.

"I brought you here to make Stacey jealous and not me!"

I was left speechless with what he said. -'He's jealous?'- I noticed how he was also surprised by his own word, but he masked it immediately.

"What I mean is that... we're acting a sweet couple here, Madi! What would they say or other people around after they saw you dancing with another man?"

"But Greg is not another man to me, Gabriel! He's also my friend!"

He looked at me suspiciously, and I started to feel nervous. What if he asks me why am I so closed with Greg?

"Are you falling for Greg, Madi?"

But the question he asked me, wasn't something I expected. There's a different emotion in his eyes when he asked me that question. And because I am still in shock, I didn't answer him immediately.

"You don't need to answer, I understand. I'm not in a position to ask you that." and then he left me with opened mouth.

-'What is happening to him? He seemed always jealous with his cousin!'-

He didn't talk to me after that, until the party is over and even when we were inside the car. He was quite and remained frowning with the whole ride back home. So, I just busied myself looking out of the window.

I don't understand him. He's sometimes sweet, caring but most of the times... grumpy. Well, what should I expect, he's a bipolar, right? But I can't help myself not to glance at him while he's driving. His ring shines on my face when we passed the street lights and I looked down to my lap where my hands were resting. I sighed and played my own ring. I swirled it around my ring finger and looked back again outside the window. This ring that symbolizes my name being tied to his.

We were just about a few blocks away from his house when the heavy rain started pouring on the car's roof. I smiled when I remember my childhood days.

"Stop the car!"

He looked at me with a deep frown on his forehead, but he also pulled over and stopped the car. I immediately opened the door and jumped outside. I heard him call my name but I just ignored him.

I run in the middle of the street and swirled around with my both arms in a sideward position. I smiled and looked up the sky. I've missed this. I've missed everything in my homeland. I missed my childhood, while me, my sister and my brother were playing outside the rain. And tears started to flow down on my both cheeks. But because it's raining heavily, no one can notice it. I remember what my brother said when I was just seven years old.

-''If you want to cry but you don't want anyone to notice it, go outside when it's raining and cry your heart out. Let the rain washes your tears."-

Yeah.. I'll let the rain washes all my tears, but I wish it can also wash my pain. It can also heal my aching heart.

"Madi, what are you doing?"

He was now out of the car and walking his way towards me. He removed his jacket and he's now on his shirt. I smiled bitterly as I watched him walked closer to me. Why do I love him? Why do I also feel this pain of loving him? Is this the consequences of loving someone who's heart were still tied to his past?

"Madi, let's go back!" he tried to touch my hand by I just stepped backwards.

"Go back inside your car. I'll go run in front of the gate." I didn't wait for his reply, I run my way in front of the gate which is just 500 meters away from his car.

"But Madi..."

I heard him shouted behind me but I run as fast as I could like my tears flowing fast as if there's no tomorrow. The guards immediately opened the gate when they saw Gabriel's car. I also walked inside towards the front door, but there's a strong hand that pulled me back, and two muscular arms that engulfed me with a tight hug.

We're now both drenched under the rain. He's hugging me but I'm not hugging him back. I couldn't stop the tears to flow, it just feels heavier now that his hugging me.

"You're crying."

It's not a question but a statement coming from him, when he pulled back and cupped both of my cheeks. I tried to avoid his gaze but he held my face and tried to catch my eyes.


I closed my eyes when I heard him asked me... why? Because I am also asking so many 'why' to myself. I looked at him and my eyes silently asked.

-'Why? Why Gabriel? Why do I love you? Why it is you, of all people? Why not be Greg or someone around? Why I couldn't teach my heart not to fall for you even more? Why?'-


He said wiping the tears from my face. I bite my lips to control the sobs and his eyes followed my lips movement. And I just closed my eyes when he lowered his head and then I felt his lips on top of mine.

He kissed me... the most passionate kiss and way he give me. And I instantly melt with his touch, with his kiss and I kissed him back.

-'How can I stop myself from loving you?'-

We stayed under the rain in I don't know how long. When we both pulled back, he hugged me again and kissed my forehead before he takes my hand. We walked towards the front door, without even a saying a single word. We climbed up the stairs but no one dared to talk, until we were both in front of our bedroom door.

I thought he's now going to open his door, but he opened mine and pulled me inside. I didn't say anything... I didn't complain, I just watched him pulled a white clean towel from the drawer and then take me to the shower room. When we were inside, he sighed and stop in front of the shower enclosure.

"Please, take a bath and clean yourself, so you don't catch colds. I'll be back." I just nodded and he gave me the towel before he get out of the door.

I started to clean myself and changed into my sleeping clothes. When I came out from the bathroom, I found him sitting at the edge of the bed, with a phone in his hand. But I also noticed that he already cleaned himself and changed into his sleeping wears.

I walked closer to him and when he noticed me, he immediately stand and walked over to the bedside table. He gave me a glass of water and a green tablet. I looked at him and I was about to ask if what is the green tablet for.. but he already answered the question from my mind.

"You spent almost an hour under the rain, that's just to prevent you from having a colds."

If I am in the mood right now, I will laugh at him with this 'prevention tablet from cold' of his. I didn't know that we can also drink medicine for invisible colds or for upcoming colds. Because I remember my Mom just giving me such this medicine when I already have colds. How silly of me, right?

But I didn't comment on that. I just followed what he instructed me to do. He takes the glass from my hand and put it back from where it was placed earlier. Then I climbed up on top of the bed and laid myself comfortably. But I didn't expect his next move. He also pulled the half of the comforter and laid himself beside me.

I turned to look at him but he's fast and he immediately pulled me to him. I gasped when he lifted my head and placed his right hand under it and his other hand circled around my waist. I wanted to ask him what is he doing but he beat me off again.

"Don't open your mouth, I know what you're thinking. Just close your eyes and sleep. I'm just here. I won't do anything, I won't talk... I'll just hold you 'till you sleep."

He looked down at me and kissed my forehead and then he smiled. "Good night, Madi."

I smiled back and shifted myself closer to him as he also pulled me closer to his chest while kissing the top of my head repeatedly.

"Good night, Gab." I whispered lowly and then I closed my eyes with a smile on my lips.

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