Chapter 52: You will never understand

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Gabriel's POV:

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead when she finally fell asleep. I moved myself a bit to look at her sleeping face. I don't know the reason why she cried earlier, but that's one thing I don't want to see in her ever again, if that's being possible. I want to hold her and tell her things that will make her stop from crying.

I'm jealous. And now I admit I'm jealous, especially when she's talking with Greg. She's happy, she always smile and she even laugh. I'm jealous about those things he can do with her and I can't. I am her husband, but I can't make her happy and I don't even have to rights to feel this way.

I pushed some pf her hair strands behind her ears, that are now covering her face, and I smiled. I was right from the very start that she's perfect to act even to be my wife.

-'I hope you'll stay, Madi. I hope you'll stay with me. I can't exactly point what I feel for you right now, but I know you're now important to me. And believe it or not, I started to care about you. I can't even think of one day of coming home without you in this house, without seeing your beautiful face and your smile...

I wish I could tell these things to you. But I'm not brave enough to face you and these feeling. I hope you can wait for me... I hope you were still here when I become whole again. The time I am ready to give you myself without any looking back from the past behind me. If you're still here when that time comes, Madi.. I promise, I will be beside you in your every waking time in the morning, and before you go to sleep at night...

I will hold you tight, hold your hand, hug you and kiss you every hour and every day of my life. But for now, I can't promise you anything. I just want first to be a better man, for you. So when I face you by that time... I can proudly shout in front of everyone that I am yours and you are mine alone.

I know I am being jerk to you sometimes, but believe me.. this jerk of a man beside you is the first person who doesn't want to see you crying. All I want is to make you smile. I want you to be mine, Madi.. when everything is falling into there right place..'-

I smiled when she moved her face closer to my chest. It feels natural and comfortable to hug her, like we've been doing this for a long time. Her skin is so soft and you can never see a single scar on her arm, or even a pimple mark on her face. She looks like an angel when she's sleeping, so peaceful and yet so beautiful.

It's already one in the morning when my sleep visited me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up feeling something heavy on my waist. I tried to move my body but then I heard a small moan.


And when I traced the small arm over my stomach, the smile formed on my lips. She's here beside me, sleeping like a baby. She has a small pout on her lips and I wish I could always kiss that pout on her.

I hitched my breath when her knee moved up in between my legs... under my precious junior and jewels. I gulped and tried to move away but she snuggled more to me and pressed her knee on that precious part of mine.

-'Oh fuck!'-


My eyes widened when she moaned and my junior began to twitch. And I didn't try to move again, because the more I tried, the more she pressed her knee. I just hugged her and kissed her forehead.

And after thirty minutes of watching her sleeping, I already memorized how many moles she has on her face and where each one of them were placed.

"Good morning." I smiled at her when she looked up to me with her half-closed eyes.

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