Chapter 70: Releasing the pain

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Madi's POV:

"Good morning Aunt Madi!"

I felt the sudden dipped on the side of my bed. It's because of my seven years old niece, Sarah from my older sister Madison. She jumped up and hugged me on my back as I laid on my stomach.

"Aunt Madi, wake up!" she ride me on my back and starts to make me her horse.

-'Oh my dearest God! Why did you give such this lovable niece?'-

"Sweety, it's still early!"

I complained while getting one of my pillow to cover my face, but the silly kid take it away from me and jumped repeatedly on the bed.

"No! It's already eight o'clock, it's actually late in the morning."

"Oh God! Sarah, stop that! You might fall!" I opened my left eye.

"No! I'm used to this, Aunt Madi. Come on, get up we're still going to the park, you promised me!"

"Yeah, I know. But get down sweety and play with your dolls in the living room, I'm just gonna follow you there." I said taking again the pillow but she removed it from my hands.

"No! You're lying!"

"I'm not! I swear."

"No! You always say that every morning, but you just go back to sleep again!"

-'Oh my God! I can't lie anymore to this stubborn kid!'-

"Hey, you wake up your Auntie again?" I heard my sister's voice at the door frame.

"Because she promised me, mommy, we're going to the park this morning!"

"But it's still early, baby."

"No! Look!" she showed her pink barbie wristwatch. "Its eight-ten in the morning, Mommy! Auntie needs to get up!"

I looked at my sister and I gave her a playful glare which she just chuckled at.

"Why did you have to teach her how to read the time?" I asked her when she seated at the edge of my bed.

"I didn't, Sis. She just learned it from her nanny." she chuckled again when I faked my cry.

"Okay fine! We're going to the park, but I won't take a bath. It's chilly!"

And the kid's eyes narrowed in disgust. "Yuck, Aunt Madi! You will stink!"

"Of course not! Even if I don't take a bath for three days, I won't stink." of course it's a joke to annoy the kid.

"Yucks! You're eww!" she crumpled her face while me and her mother both laughed at her reactions.

"Come on, Sis. You know your niece won't stop bothering you if you don't get up."

Madison kissed me on my forehead. It's their gesture since I was a kid.

"Let's go, baby. Let your Auntie take a bath now, so you can go together at the park." she said extending her hand to her daughter.

"But Mom..?"

"Come on, Sarah. She will follow us downstairs, right Sis?" I smiled when she winked at me. And my stubborn niece didn't protest again, she just followed her Mom outside the door.

I don't have a choice but to get up and go to the bathroom to take a bath, because I'm sure my stubborn niece will go back after ten minutes to check if I go back to sleep.

I sighed as I looked myself in front of my bathroom mirror. It's been three years and I didn't notice how the time flew by so fast. I am currently staying with my sister and in her family's house in Aurora, Colorado.

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