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Chapter 6 - "Take the Yang Qi For One's Own Use" (She wanted to appease him, and after Huan Yu had gone bankrupt at that.) (1)

WanWan chuckled. "Don't worry. Nothing serious. He just wouldn't be able to commit any evil acts for a while."

Mu ZhenYu leaned back and propped his feet up. With an almost indistinguishable smile, he asked, "You've poisoned him? Aren't you afraid that someone would find out?"

WanWan shook her head. "Like I've said, I have my ways."

Mu ZhenYu didn't say anything further. He looked profoundly into her eyes and wished he could tell what was the truth.

WanWan, on the other hand, looked boldly back at him with a 'fearless' look. She even waved her hand casually as she said to him, "Do you believe me now? I didn't collude with him to set you up."

Having said that, she turned and walked into the bathroom to tidy up.

He couldn't tell which parts were true and which weren't.

Mu ZhenYu picked up the magazine again, but he was unable to focus now.

Everybody knew that Mu XiYuan hated his brother, and he had a lot to do with HuanYu going bankrupt. Ever since Xu WanZhi went to Mu XiYuan's room to poison him yesterday to her saying that she was afraid of thunders and insisted on sleeping in his room...

She wanted to appease him, and after HuanYu had gone bankrupt at that.

His lips curved up, and he casually took a sip of his coffee.

Inside the bathroom, WanWan looked at the delicate little face in the mirror – it wasn't as pretty as she used to be, but it was still up there among normal humans.

The fox demon clan was very blessed with their looks and had traditionally played the roles of demons that'd suck men's qi or otherwise inflict injuries, fatal or not fatal, on others. As an exceptional fox demon, naturally WanWan had never been involved in any immoral dealings such as "take a human's yang qi for one's own cultivation". Which was also the reason why she failed to transcend at her 500 years' point.

Nonetheless, one could never be too careful. She may not have used it much, but she had an idea of how this "take a human's yang qi for one's own cultivation" skill worked.

At the hotel the night before, when she was pressed beneath Mu XiYuan and he was kissing her, she had no choice but to deploy that technique.

Normally speaking, any man who hadn't goofed around excessively in the s*xual way would be filled with yang qi. And there would be no impact having a little bit of their qi stolen through their tongues. Mu XiYuan, on the other hand, lived the extravagant lifestyle and didn't have a lot of yang qi left in him. After she had used her technique on him, immediately it was like he had been wrung dry. Which would explain why he felt low on energy and lethargic.

That man had tried to take advantage of her, that was but a light punishment for him.

After she had tidied up, Mu ZhenYu had already left the house.

She gave her assistant Xiao Yuan a call and confirmed her itinerary – the only thing she had that afternoon was filming the last scene of a web drama, "Not Enough Time To Love You" There was nothing else.

The original owner was a third-tier actress who had no acting skills, and she was stuck up and tried to leech off other people's popularity left and right. She flattered some while stepping on others and tried to make it seem like she was a couple with the film emperor. She had more than rightfully earned herself the title of "Queen of Negative Publicity".

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