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Chapter 130 - Counterstrike ("WanWan, we are already engaged. Why are you still calling me Mr. Mu?") (1)

Having used a lot of magic and spoke too much, Xu WanZhi crashed onto the bed and fell asleep as soon as she got home. It was already dark when she woke up.

She logged onto Weibo to look at the trend – sure enough, it was a very poetic day on Weibo. All sorts of explosive news were released and Xu WanZhi was certain that all of those who had paid to reserve a spot on the most trending list in advance had lost every single dime that they had spent.

Along with Mu ZhenYu's behind-the-scene effort, all of the Weibo that accused her of having casual relationships had been removed. Now the top three on the most trending list were #Chen Jin set up Xu WanZhi#, #The Qin's Corporation under investigation#, and #Chen Jin being boycotted by several famed directors#.

During the few hours that Xu WanZhi was sleeping, Chen Jin was slammed by almost all netizens royally on almost every single platform. She had already turned off the comment area on her own Weibo page but anywhere that her name appeared online, there would be no shortage of passersby coming to slam her.

Finally, even those from the entertainment circle had joined in and the first of them being Director Jiang ChenXi of Plainness.

Xu WanZhi recalled that the day that her photos were released, Jiang ChenXi called and asked her what was going on, worried that her scandals would negatively impact Plainness. Now that she was able to clear herself, he was also the first to call and congratulate her. In a sense, he was trying to make it up to her.

The third topic on the most trending list #Chen Jin being boycotted by several famed directors# was started by him.

Chen Jin had earned the title of film empress years on ends but, due to limitation of her age, she had run into bottleneck in her acting career. She was hoping to sign with Plainness, tear apart Xu WanZhi, and climb back to her apex. But now that this had all blown up, she wouldn't even get any contract at all.

Under the hot searches, there were many interesting feedbacks from the netizens. Some of them even edited Chen Jin's face onto the same photos.

[Film Empress Chen Jin turned into photo-editing. That a lot for getting a role. I think she'll be just fine even if she's not in another show ever again. She can always start her own company and offer up her photo-editing service. She just might make more doing that than acting.]

[It's just photo-editing. Everyone can do that. Watch me do it to Film Empress Chen. Guaranteed to make her look better than a snake demon.]

[Chen Jin had clearly demonstrated to us the text book case of the uglies have a lot of drama.]

[Oh shoot, now that she is being blacklisted by all the directors, how am I going to see her live shows going forward? What would I do for fun then? Who's going to make me laugh in the future? Laugh-Till-I-Cry.jpg]

[Hasn't she been trying to taint WanZhi daily and called her "little Chen Jin"? Why does she take on the role as the middle-aged and elderly version of Xu WanZhi in Blossoming Us? I want to see how good she can be.]

[Middle-aged and elderly version. LOL. But, seeing that Blossoming Us was left behind by WanZhi, I doubt they'd use Chen Jin.]

After Xu WanZhi clicked out of that topic, she clicked into #The Qin's Corporation under investigation#.

Even though there was nothing official, but many netizens had already said that the Qin's are already being re-evaluated for their qualifications in participation of Project Falcon. Should they find any issues with that, the Qin's would not only be disqualified from the Project, they'd also be sued.

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